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Optimising your computer for Photoshop

Great: So you've gotten that 200 Meg file open and you're blazing away with the Liquify tool. No fear. Photoshop grinds to a halt. It's never a pretty sight when this happens. The screen doesn't redraw properly; your mp3 starts to sound like fire-crackers at Chinese New Year and your operating system starts displaying snide remarks about your system resources.

Photoshop is a pretty intense program which often makes pretty high demands on your system resources, and patience. Ever have that sneaking feeling that if only you could figure out the correct configuration of hardware for your computer the dang thing would just run so much better? In this tutorial we're going to get to grips with the hardware required to run Photoshop and how to set up Photoshop in order to ensure it runs at maximum efficiency.

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Database design and optimisation made easy

The tutorial series will look at the different methods of retrieving data, always aware that this is the Web and that speed is of the essence, how to monitor performance of your database and tune it for maximum speed. In enterprise-level sites, these tasks are often performed by highly trained, specialist DBAs (database administrators); on smaller sites, it's often the developer who needs to wear this extra hat. With his four years' experience, Rob explains complex concepts and procedures, simply and clearly, to give today's Dreamweaver Professional a heads up in building and maintaining fast, secure data-driven sites.

Often, database driven websites are built without much thought given to the big picture. Also, web sites are often built organically, and databases can become unwieldy very quickly, if you're not careful. Spend a little bit more time with the database design up front, and save yourself hours of work and trouble later!

This first tutorial of a new linked series covers the basics of common database and it's benefits, and will clearly describe the different types of relationship you can use to store your data. It also gives some practical advice for some common scenarios.

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Creating menus in Flash MX 2004

In today’s article we take you through the gentle art of creating popup menus.  The menu component that we cover is also an integral part of the menubar component in Flash, so getting to grips with the content of this article is your first step in building application style menu bars just like you see across the top of your browser.  We’ll not only look at how you can build static menus for your common tasks, but how to build the menu dynamically from an XML document.

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Alternate Stylesheets for Accessibility

Not all visitors to your site with visual impairments require screen readers etc - often, the ability to increase font size or switch to a high-contrast colour-scheme so that they can read more clearly is what's needed to make your site a must-visit instead of a source of frustration. Rachel shows you how to make accessible alternate style sheets, and how to offer a button to allow visitors to switch between them.

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ASP.NET Data Binding and Alternate-coloured rows.

Data binding is one area where ASP.NET really improves in leaps and bounds over what classic ASP offers. The power is there - but the syntax is murky and confusing. This tutorial serves as an ideal introduction to the novice for data binding and what templates are used for in ASP.NET., and cuts through Microsoft's tricky doucmentation to bring the power of ASP.NET databinding and template to the beginner.

Chris demonstrates how to use databinding by building up the code for a template that automatically displays a list of records with alternate coloured rows, making it much more attractive and easy to read for the user.

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Switchin' Styles!

Ever wondered how some sites just totally change their look at the touch of a button? Add a couple of different CSS layouts, a dash of JavaScript and a couple of buttons and you let your users choose between different predefined colour schemes, layouts and background images.

This article is suitable for complete beginners, and contains all the source files you need to adapt re-use for your own sites.

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Flash MX 2004 Data Components

Flash MX 2004 is aimed at providing developers with an easy and intuitive way of developing rich internet applications. To provide this level of sophistication to developers, Macromedia have provided developers with new tools in Flash MX 2004 Professional, such as a forms based paradigm for developing applications, better support for video and advanced data access components. In today's tutorial we will be discussing the new data components that are available in Flash MX 2004 Professional - what they are and how they work to make your life easier.

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Dynamic "Hide and Show" Content using the DOM

One of the great benefits the DOM and CSS has brought developers is flexibility. In today's tutorial, we use this behavior to our advantage is to tie more functionality to a page than is initially visible. That hidden content can then react to the user based on their actions, for example, make a 'help' box dynamically appear if the user presses a button, without leaving the page or popping up a new window. In this tutorial, we develop a system whereby a user can click on an author's name at the top of an article, and their bio appears - but can be adapted to any situation you need.

The tutorial is suitable for beginners to intermediate JavaScripters.

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Creating a Simple Email Form in PHP

You want your site's visitors to be able to contact you (to offer you work, marriage, congratulations on your genius etc) but, as soon as you put your email address on the site, you're inundated with spam and Nigerian gentlemen offering you $5 million. This tutorial shows you how to make a simple email form in PHP so that a form can be mailed to you when the user hits the submit button. Gareth then shows how to make a simple HTML mail, as well as a useful tip on how to make helpful hints appear in the status bar while the user fills in the form.

This is suitable for beginners to advanced users of PHP.

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Quick Fixes in Photo retouching

So the client has told you that they need to upload an image of the head honcho to the website - shock horror, he's so ugly that people think he's me. Now what? There are many scenarios that we might find ourselves in where photo retouching is useful or advisable. Usually however this takes hours. In this tutorial, we use a relatively quick method of photo retouching to get the best results in the shortest amount of time.

How are we going to do that? We're going to use blending modes. Blending modes are great, blending modes are fun; much of the power of Photoshop lies in being able to use them. But which modes are useful for what and how? Let' s take a closer look at them.

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Templates: Locking/Unlocking Code Outside HTML Tags

One of the more complex template functions to wrap the ol' noggin around is Dreamweaver MXs capability to lock markup above the opening HTML tag (<html>) or below the closing HTML tag (</html>): <!-- TemplateInfo codeoutsidehtmlislocked="{value}" -->.

Very often people get lost reading the content of Dreamweavers F1 help files due to inconsistencies and plain wrong information regarding templates. That 's where this tutorial comes into play and teaches you what this markup does and how to use it through several examples.

After reading and performing the mini-projects of this tutorial, you will understand what the markup does, how it is inserted, and how to get the best of both worlds (locked and unlocked) as possible

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Making A Flash MX 2004 Accordion Component

The accordion component can be built entirely by using the Component Inspector, and is new in Flash MX 2004 Professional. It contains a number of children movie clips, only one of which is displayed at a time.  To navigate between each of these child movie clips the accordion component provides a header button for that child that the user clicks to view the child.   The children can contain any information that you can have in a Flash movie clip – they can display text, images, movies of sections of a form that the user needs to fill out. Read More
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