Templates: Locking/Unlocking Code Outside HTML Tags

One of the more complex template functions to wrap the ol' noggin around is Dreamweaver MXs capability to lock markup above the opening HTML tag (<html>) or below the closing HTML tag (</html>): <!-- TemplateInfo codeoutsidehtmlislocked="{value}" -->.

Very often people get lost reading the content of Dreamweavers F1 help files due to inconsistencies and plain wrong information regarding templates. That 's where this tutorial comes into play and teaches you what this markup does and how to use it through several examples.

After reading and performing the mini-projects of this tutorial, you will understand what the markup does, how it is inserted, and how to get the best of both worlds (locked and unlocked) as possible

- OR -


Table of Content:

  • Recommended Reading:
  • Prerequisites:
  • Server Information:
  • Tutorial Preparation
  • Creating a Site Definition:
  • Tutorial Project:
    • Unlocked template #1:
    • Unlocked template #2:
    • Locked Template:
    • How do you work around this issue so that you can have the best of both worlds?
  • Conclusion:

Brad Halstead

Brad HalsteadBrad Halstead (www.dreamweavermx-templates.com) is a computer software engineering technologist by trade, but deviated from that dream to join the Canadian military as an air weapons systems technician where he learned all about various computerized aircraft weapons systems as well as loading the munitions. Brad has dabbled in the web in various capacities since 1989 and left the military to become a fulltime computer technician. Brad tries to play an active roll in the support forums for Dreamweaver, Contribute and Project Seven, as time permits him to. Brad is HTML 4.01 Certified, and has contributed content to Dreamweaver MX Magic and Inside Dreamweaver MX, in addition to being a technical editor for both publications. Recently, Brad co-authored Dreamweaver MX Templates and has been accepted as a Team Macromedia Member for Contribute.

He lives in London, Ontario with his cherished partner Brenda and their daughters Megan and Amanda, son Aaron, a Yorkshire Terrier, and their newest addition, a Sheltie.

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