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Microsoft Unveils its New Logo

Microsoft has just unveiled a new look and feel to its corporate logo. Following 25 years from its former iteration, this is the first major Microsoft logo change in the company's history. The new logo includes a multicolored symbol that's typically found on the company's Windows products — the first time the wordmark has been accompanied by an image. Microsoft's Jeff Hansen revealed that the new logo is designed to signal the heritage but also signal the future — a newness and freshness.

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Windows 8 Pro to be Priced at $199

If you are dicing with the idea of going out and purchasing the fabulous new Windows 8 operating system from Microsoft, then it could be worthwhile getting on board with it earlier rather than later. Microsoft is planning on offering the Windows 8 Pro version at an initial promotional price point of $69.99 for early adopters, with the price finally increasing to $199 when that promotion comes to an end on January 31st 2013.

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Microsoft Opens Registration for Windows 8 Upgrade

Yesterday, Microsoft announced that it has opened registration for its Windows 8 upgrade promotion. Anyone who purchased a Windows 7 machine after June 2nd of this year can register from now until January 31st of next year to upgrade to Windows 8 Pro for just $14.99 — if you miss the registration period, you'll have to pay full price for the new software when it comes out.

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Take Windows 8 For a Test Drive

Can't wait to give Windows 8 a test drive? Well, you can take a 90-day trial version for a spin. The "Windows 8 evaluation for developers" is available via the Microsoft Developer Network Evaluation Center, and it's intended for developers building Windows 8 apps and IT professionals interested in trying Windows 8 Enterprise on behalf of their organization. The company doesn't provide any technical support for this trial version.

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Microsoft Unveils SkyDrive.com Redesign

Microsoft has been planning to redesign its SkyDrive web interface this summer, and now the company has officially taken the wraps off a refined SkyDrive.com. Additionally, Microsoft also announced more efficient Windows and OS X SkyDrive integration as well as a new Android app that'll be available within the next few weeks. As Nathan Ingraham  saw late last month, SkyDrive.com now supports a new tile-based interface that visually matches the visual style Microsoft has been pushing since Windows Phone 7.

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Dell, Lenovo and Samsung Windows RT Machines Are Coming

Microsoft isn't the only OEM that will be delivering a Windows on ARM tablet/PC. Asus, Dell, Lenovo and Samsung all have Windows RT systems coming to market, too, Microsoft officials said in an August 13 blog post on the "Building Windows 8" blog. When Mary Jo Foley asked Microsoft officials back in late June for a list of vendors making Windows RT tablets and PCs, they declined to provide one.

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Microsoft's Bing Team Turns to Apps

Microsoft's Online Services Division (OSD) is the home of the Bing search platform, MSN and Microsoft advertising. But it's also where a couple of hundred developers are working full-time on writing apps for Windows 8 tablets, Windows Phones and the Xbox gaming console. This team - known as AppEx (Application Experiences) - is the one that built the news, travel, finance, weather, sports and maps applications that have shipped as part of the Windows 8 test builds. They're using primarily (but not exclusively) HTML5 and JavaScipt to build showcase apps that may (but don't have to) include Bing and MSN data and elements.

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Edit the Win-X menu in Windows 8

Several new features and changes are introduced with the Windows 8 operating system. You probably heard about the new start page and the missing start menu. Microsoft has added a menu to the desktop part of Windows 8 that displays quick links to administrative and often used programs and settings of the operating system. When you use Win-X to display the menu, you see direct links to the command prompt, event viewer, device manager, task manager, control panel and search among other links.

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Microsoft Office 13 Embraces Web Development

With the upcoming release of Microsoft Office 13, Microsoft is encouraging developers and administrators to use open Web technologies such as JavaScript, CSS and HTML to build their add-on apps. Microsoft wanted to modernize the way the platform is accessed by developers, said Richard Riley, a Microsoft director in the Office division. They have made some of the most significant changes on the developer side of Office in the last 15 years.

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Windows 8 RTM will Include 'do not track' by Default for Internet Explorer 10

Many advertisers weren't thrilled when Microsoft proclaimed that 'do not track' would be the default for Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8, but that reaction hasn't made the folks in Redmond flinch. Brendon Lynch, the company's Chief Privacy Officer, announced that the 'do not track' default is already baked into the code of the October-bound operating system that has been released to manufacturers.

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