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Using the Media Library in WordPress
Leverage the WordPress image libraries so you don't overload your site
Now that you know the basics behind uploading images and using them to gain SEO traction, you might want to know how to leverage the WordPress image libraries so you don't overload your site.
How to Re-Use an Image
You may want to re-use an image from post to post to help identify that post with a certain category, for instance. But, you may have learned that when you re-use an image, it may not show up in the post unless you activate several options.
First, open an image you want to use from the Gallery or from the Media Library (do this by clicking the "Show" link to the right in the window shown above). You will see all the information gathered by the database that you input with the original image:
Note three things here:
1.First, if you have a ton of images in your library already, you can search for an image by a keyword. This is why it is important to name your images precisely, so that you know how to search for them down the road.
2.Secondly, when you open the image, you will see all the information about that image you may need to know. The file name, file type, upload date and dimensions are there for your convenience. Note that this image is 425x 282, although I originally used the image as a thumbnail at 150x150 – that information is included at the bottom of the box under "Size."
3.Lastly, although I have it blurred out, you will see the link URL for that uploaded image. This information is important, as you might want to link to the image via URL rather than re-use the image you have uploaded, for any number of reasons.
If you decide that you want to reuse this image "as is," then you can click on the button, "Insert into Post" at the bottom of the image window. You also have the options of using the image as a thumbnail or to delete that image altogether. When you decide to delete an image, another link will open to ask you if you really want to delete it. So, don't worry about deleting it by mistake.
Now, you have that image in your post – you have essentially borrowed a book from the library. What's next?
If you save your post as a draft and click on "Preview," hopefully you will see that image show up in a post:
But, I have learned that some themes for WP prohibit the image
from being shown unless you carry out a few more steps.
In Theme Hybrid, for instance, you have the option of adding thumbnails straight from the database through the URL for that image (which is one reason you might want to find the URL). You also can add an image as a "Feature Image" through that same URL, which is a great option if you've uploaded an image that does not need to be enlarged. This is why it is always better to upload a larger image that can be downsized, rather than a small image that you might want to use as a larger image later.
Linda Goin
Linda Goin carries an A.A. in graphic design, a B.F.A. in visual communications with a minor in business and marketing and an M.A. in American History with a minor in the Reformation. While the latter degree doesn't seem to fit with the first two educational experiences, Linda used her 25-year design expertise on archaeological digs and in the study of material culture. Now she uses her education and experiences in social media experiments.
Accolades for her work include fifteen first-place Colorado Press Association awards, numerous fine art and graphic design awards, and interviews about content development with The Wall St. Journal, Chicago Tribune, Psychology Today, and L.A. Times.