Pure PHP Upload 3 Support Product Page
The Pure PHP Upload 3 script does not define the findServerBehaviors function
Reported 18 Jun 2015 19:26:30
has this problem
18 Jun 2015 19:26:30 Adrian Leontovich posted:
I get this error after uninstalling the WebAssist and DMX Pure PHP Upload v3 extensions, and then reinstalling them. What does this mean? Replies
Replied 18 Jun 2015 20:40:53
18 Jun 2015 20:40:53 George Petrov replied:
Hi Adrian,
Please follow this FAQ:
Also make sure you always install our extensions with the DMXzone Extension Manager, so this is done automatically for you. Get it from:
Please follow this FAQ:
Also make sure you always install our extensions with the DMXzone Extension Manager, so this is done automatically for you. Get it from:
Replied 18 Jun 2015 21:30:32
18 Jun 2015 21:30:32 Adrian Leontovich replied:
Hi George.. the instructions on that page say go to this directory:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CS6\<language>\Configuration
but I don't even see AppData subdirectory, let alone anything after that. It just doesn't exist on my hard drive. How can this be???
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CS6\<language>\Configuration
but I don't even see AppData subdirectory, let alone anything after that. It just doesn't exist on my hard drive. How can this be???
Replied 19 Jun 2015 07:30:12
19 Jun 2015 07:30:12 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Adrian,
The AppData is hidden by default. Please make sure to enable the "Show hidden files and folders" option in the windows settings. Or just click start, enter run and hit enter. Then in the run dialog enter - %appdata% and you will get inside it:

The AppData is hidden by default. Please make sure to enable the "Show hidden files and folders" option in the windows settings. Or just click start, enter run and hit enter. Then in the run dialog enter - %appdata% and you will get inside it: