- Pure Ajax File Upload - With DMXzone Ajax Form and Pure PHP Upload 3
you can easily upload a file without the need to refresh the page in
order to preview the result. Also with Ajax Upload the progress bar will
run much smoother on the latest browsers as all progress is tracked by
the client side browser and there is no need to trouble your server for
it. You will get progress information even on PHP servers that do not
support progress information or don't have the needed components
- Customizable progress bars - The build-in Dreamweaver menu enables you to select multiple predefined Progress bars and customize them.

- Progress bar preview - You can preview your progress bar design directly in Dreamweaver by clicking the “preview” button.

- Different options for each file upload field
– You can specify different options for each file upload field. This
way you can have each upload field stored in a different location and
specify which file types are allowed per field.

- File conflict handling – Determine how a file should be handled if its name conflicts with the name of an existing file in the directory.

- Specify the uploaded file types – From the dropdown menu you can select the file types that can be uploaded or enter their extensions in a comma separated list. Leave empty for no file restrictions.

- Upload engine for Advanced HTML Editor 3 - You can use Pure PHP Upload 3 extension as an uploading solution in the Advanced HTML Editor 3.

- Advanced client and server side upload restrictions - File size, image dimensions and type restrictions are checked client-side as well as server-side! This is the most secure way to allow uploads. Note that client side file size and image dimensions might not be allowed to be checked by all browsers due to security settings, but they will be checked server side anyway.
- Multiple language support
- Pure PHP Upload 3 contains advanced browser detection that determines
the language of your visitor and translates the messages of the
extension into their language.
- Extended Data bindings
- extended data bindings are available so that you can easily access
the properties of the uploaded files and have total freedom to use them
any way you intent to. Pure PHP Upload 3 allows you to set the
properties of your form fields in the bindings menu.

- Fully object oriented - Pure PHP Upload 3 is fully object oriented, making the extension more advanced than ever. It collects all the information of the files that you upload server-side. The extension collects data such as filenames, file sizes and the size of images from the upload class so you can store these values in your database.

- Great Dreamweaver Integration - Interactive dialog in Dreamweaver with all the options you’ll need.

- Fully cross-browser compatible - Runs perfectly on any up-to-date desktop browser as well as mobile devices.