Pure PHP Upload 3 Support Product Page

Under investigation

Progress Bar IE 9 Pure Php Upload 3

Reported 20 Mar 2013 20:16:10
has this problem
20 Mar 2013 20:16:10 Foster Brovan posted:
The progress bar works in Fire Fox and Safari
But, not in IE 9 and Chrome.
I am using Ajax Form with the upload form.

Thank you.


Replied 20 Mar 2013 21:03:56
20 Mar 2013 21:03:56 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Foster,

There shouldn't be any problem with the progressbar in Ie and Chrome.
Can you please provide a link to your page? What type of progressbar are you using?
Replied 20 Mar 2013 21:26:43
20 Mar 2013 21:26:43 Foster Brovan replied:
Replied 20 Mar 2013 21:31:33
20 Mar 2013 21:31:33 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:

Just tested this link in IE9, Chrome and Firefox - the progressbar works just fine.
Most probably you are trying to upload a small-sized file which uploads so fast that you can't see the progressbar as it is flashing quickly.
Replied 20 Mar 2013 21:37:43
20 Mar 2013 21:37:43 Foster Brovan replied:
The file size is 1.6Mb it takes about 1 to 2 minutes to upload.
The time works and I am testing the differant progress bars and now Fire Fox does not work.
Replied 20 Mar 2013 21:45:52
20 Mar 2013 21:45:52 Foster Brovan replied:
I tried a differant computer and the Progress Bar does not work on that computer.
Replied 20 Mar 2013 23:45:29
20 Mar 2013 23:45:29 Foster Brovan replied:
New problem the new Php upload 3 changed this file
And the made my old php upload 2 not work.
So I clicked on the php upload 2 and it uploaed the old file incPHPupload.php and my upload works for the old php upload 2

NOW the new php upload 3 I get this Error
You don't have latest version of incPHPupload.php uploaded on the server.

what do I need to do?

Thank you Foster
Replied 21 Mar 2013 03:02:54
21 Mar 2013 03:02:54 Foster Brovan replied:
I moved to a new web site for the test.
As the incPHPupload.php is messing up my PHP upload 2.

Here is the new Link to the uploader www.gowebsiteshop.com/zupload.php

On the new wibsite I am gettng an Error.

<?php require_once('/ScriptLibrary/incPureUpload.php'); ?>

It is adding an extra / so things do not work till I take out the / at the front of the code.

Replied 21 Mar 2013 03:44:46
21 Mar 2013 03:44:46 Foster Brovan replied:
I have the new PHP Uploader 3 working on All Browsers except IE 9.

I think the new PHP Uploader is worth every penny!
and the support is great.

Replied 21 Mar 2013 10:19:52
21 Mar 2013 10:19:52 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Foster,

Does the progress-bar problem appear only with the currently selected progress-bar?

The / is being added because your site configuration has the paths set to realtive to: site root.
Replied 21 Mar 2013 15:43:35
21 Mar 2013 15:43:35 Foster Brovan replied:
PHP Uploader 3
None of the progress bars work in IE9.
But, they work in the other browsers.

PHP Uploader 2 problem with PHP Uploader code.
<?php require_once('/ScriptLibrary/incPureUpload.php'); ?>

I am getting an Error
Upload Error
Possible file upload attack: %s

Here is the code that I think is cosing the problem:

"UPDATE Articles SET Article_Approved=%s, Article_Title=%s, Article_Description=%s, Article_Fullstory=%s, Article_Writer=%s, Article_StartDate=%s, Article_endDate=%s, Article_dateUpdated=%s, Article_UpdatedBy=%s, Article_image_caption=%s, Article_image=IFNULL(%s,Article_image) WHERE Article_Id=%s",
                       GetSQLValueString(isset($_POST['Article_Approved']) ? "true" : "", "defined","1","0"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['Article_Title'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString(strip_tags($_POST['Article_Description'],'[br]'), "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString(strip_tags($_POST['Article_Fullstory'],'<a><p>[br]<img>[list][*]'), "text"),

The part that is casing the problem:


The other Uploaders that do not have that code seem to work OK.

Replied 28 Mar 2013 15:32:00
28 Mar 2013 15:32:00 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please download and install the latest version of Pure PHP Upload 3.
Replied 30 Mar 2013 02:43:01
30 Mar 2013 02:43:01 Foster Brovan replied:
I downloaded Pure PHP Upload 3 again.
And that fixed the problem with the Upload Error
Possible file upload attack: %s

Every thing is working except now the Progress bar does not progress on any browser IE,Firefoc,Chrome or Safira.

Here is a link to a test PHP Uploader 3 page.

Replied 30 Mar 2013 08:07:02
30 Mar 2013 08:07:02 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Foster,

Please delete the ScriptsLibrary folder and reapply the Pure PHP Upload.
Replied 30 Mar 2013 18:02:46
30 Mar 2013 18:02:46 Foster Brovan replied:

I Deleted All of the ScriptsLibary on Dreamweaver and sever.
And still no luck with progress bar working in any browser.
The progress bar worked before way not now?

Plus I rebuilt the form ground up.

I keep needing to remove a / that is being put in if I do not remove the / nothing will show on the page.

Thank you.

Replied 01 Apr 2013 19:32:41
01 Apr 2013 19:32:41 Foster Brovan replied:

I am still having a problem with progress bar not working in any browser IE,FireFox,Chrome and Safari.

Will DMXzone Uniform Extension help with the progress bar to help make it work.

Am I the only one that is having problems?

Replied 02 Apr 2013 09:21:46
02 Apr 2013 09:21:46 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:

The progress bar problems were fixed in the latest update. Can you please setup a blank new page NOT using Ajax Form, but just the pure upload applied to an upload field and provide a link to this page?

It all seems to be OK with the progress bars in our latest showcase: www.dmxzone.com/demo/php/DmxzoneAjaxForm/testimonialsPage/index.php
Replied 02 Apr 2013 15:14:37
02 Apr 2013 15:14:37 Foster Brovan replied:

Here is the link Test Upload

Your link works in FireFox,Chrome and Safiri But not in IE 9

This Demo link form DMXzone works in IE 9
Demo Link Pure PHP Upload 3 is here!

Thank you Foster
Replied 02 Apr 2013 15:31:56
02 Apr 2013 15:31:56 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Can you tell me what version of PHP are you using?
Replied 02 Apr 2013 15:43:56
02 Apr 2013 15:43:56 Foster Brovan replied:

I am using PHP 5.1.6-39.el5_8
Dream Weaver 5.5

Replied 03 Apr 2013 08:57:31
03 Apr 2013 08:57:31 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
The native Upload Progress is supported in PHP 5.4+.

If you want to use the progressbar on previous versions like minimum 5.2 you will need the APC progress extension installed and enabled on your server.
More about APC ( php.net/manual/en/book.apc.php ; pecl.php.net/package/APC )
Replied 03 Apr 2013 15:19:03
03 Apr 2013 15:19:03 Foster Brovan replied:

Would PHP 5.3.3 work?

That is the hightest I can upgrade to.

Replied 04 Apr 2013 13:26:27
04 Apr 2013 13:26:27 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
If you want to use the progressbar on PHP 5.3 you will need the APC progress extension installed and enabled on your server.
More about APC ( php.net/manual/en/book.apc.php ; pecl.php.net/package/APC )
Replied 04 Apr 2013 17:35:07
04 Apr 2013 17:35:07 Foster Brovan replied:

I installed APC

And no luck.

Link to new sever with php 5.3.3
Link to test page
Replied 04 Apr 2013 17:47:59
04 Apr 2013 17:47:59 Foster Brovan replied:

This is from my phpini report


APC Support enabled
Version 3.1.9
APC Debugging Disabled
MMAP Support Enabled
MMAP File Mask /tmp/apc.StD4Ll
Locking type pthread mutex Locks
Serialization Support php
Revision $Revision: 308812 $
Build Date Jun 22 2012 09:47:01

Directive Local Value Master Value
apc.cache_by_default On On
apc.canonicalize Off Off
apc.coredump_unmap Off Off
apc.enable_cli Off Off
apc.enabled On On
apc.file_md5 Off Off
apc.file_update_protection 2 2
apc.filters no value no value
apc.gc_ttl 3600 3600
apc.include_once_override Off Off
apc.lazy_classes Off Off
apc.lazy_functions Off Off
apc.max_file_size 1M 1M
apc.mmap_file_mask /tmp/apc.StD4Ll /tmp/apc.StD4Ll
apc.num_files_hint 1024 1024
apc.preload_path no value no value
apc.report_autofilter Off Off
apc.rfc1867 Off Off
apc.rfc1867_freq 0 0
apc.rfc1867_prefix upload_ upload_
apc.rfc1867_ttl 3600 3600
apc.serializer default default
apc.shm_segments 1 1
apc.shm_size 64M 64M
apc.slam_defense On On
apc.stat On On
apc.stat_ctime Off Off
apc.ttl 7200 7200
apc.use_request_time On On
apc.user_entries_hint 4096 4096
apc.user_ttl 7200 7200
apc.write_lock On On

And the progress bar still does not work.

Replied 12 Jun 2024 21:33:32
12 Jun 2024 21:33:32 Dylan Cazaly replied:
Pure PHP Upload 3 Support is a crucial feature in web development frameworks, enabling seamless handling of file uploads with enhanced security and efficiency. This functionality ensures robust integration into various applications, from content management systems to e-commerce platforms, facilitating smooth user interactions and data management. Whether deploying an alarm control panel for security applications or managing multimedia content for dynamic websites, Pure PHP Upload 3 Support optimizes file handling processes, offering developers versatile tools to enhance functionality and user experience across diverse digital landscapes.

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