DMXzone reCAPTCHA Support Product Page
Google Captcha APi changed!
Reported 16 Feb 2015 15:47:53
have this problem
16 Feb 2015 15:47:53 Simon Goldsmith posted:
The extension no longer works as Google have changed the way their API works! This is very slack of DMXZone to not update the extension to reflect this! They now provide a site and secret key. Please can you get this rectified seeing as we have paid for this extensions! Replies
Replied 08 Mar 2015 21:01:50
08 Mar 2015 21:01:50 Simon Goldsmith replied:
When are you going to fix this issue...????????? 
The control is unuseable!

The control is unuseable!
Replied 09 Mar 2016 16:27:33
09 Mar 2016 16:27:33 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
A new version of reCAPTCHA has been released. It is updated and it is now based on the latest google API version. You can check it here:
A new version of reCAPTCHA has been released. It is updated and it is now based on the latest google API version. You can check it here: