DMXzone reCAPTCHA FAQs Support

Protect your website from spam and automated abuse!

Protect your site with CAPTCHA security by using the DMXzone reCAPTCHA Dreamweaver Extension without writing code! With just a few clicks in Dreamweaver, you can add it to any web form and prevent spam bots and automatically generated programs attacks. DMXzone reCAPTCHA empowers Google reCAPTCHA which is industry standard way for spam protection. With it you can secure your login and registration forms, posts, emails or any other form from spam bots and worms.

We've supplied this Dreamweaver extension with 4 stylish skins, 9 different languages available for your displayed texts and even an audio test that allows blind people to freely navigate your site.

DMXzone reCAPTCHA supports PHP and ASP server models. You can also use it together with the Universal Form Validators ASP/PHP and have the best protection against bots and amazing form validation.

The extension has been discontinued, please get DMXzone reCAPTCHA 2!



Features Highlights:

  • Easy to get reCAPTCHA key - Just call the DMXzone reCAPTCHA extension, enter your keys, choose your design and all the needed code is automatically generated for you!
  • 9 different languages to choose from - You can choose between 9 different languages to display the CAPTCHA text in it.
  • Easily accessible  - DMXzone reCAPTCHA has an audio test that allows blind people to freely navigate your site.
  • Full support for ASP & PHP server models
  • 4 Skins available - Select on of the 4 different skins available to fit your website design. Make sure that they can not be customized and edited through the CSS. 
  • Great integration with Universal Form Validators ASP/PHP - Prevents your login/registration or any form being computer filled.

* For complete Features overview press the Features in Detail

Surf School Online Booking Demo

For this demo we used DMXzone reCAPTCHA as a protection from spam of our online form.

For this demo, we created the amazing background with the newly released DMXzone Supersized. The reservation form is protected with the DMXzone reCAPTCHA and is validated with Universal Form Validator PHP.


  • Easy to get reCAPTCHA key - Just call the DMXzone reCAPTCHA extension, enter your keys, choose your design and all the needed code is automatically generated for you!


  • 9 different languages to choose from - You can choose between 9 different languages to display the CAPTCHA text in it.


  • Easily accessible  - DMXzone reCAPTCHA has an audio test that allows blind people to freely navigate your site.
  • Full support for ASP & PHP server models
  • 4 Skins available - Select on of the 4 different skins available to fit your website design. Make sure that they can not be customized and edited through the CSS.


    • Red skin


    • White Skin


    • Blackglass skin


    • Clean skin



  • Great Dreamweaver integration - Interactive dialog in Dreamweaver with all the options you'll need.



Using DMXzone reCAPTCHA
With this movie we will show you how to use DMXzone reCAPTCHA in order to protect your registration forms from spam bots.


Using DMXzone reCAPTCHA with Insert Record Form
With this movie we will show you how to use DMXzone reCAPTCHA with a standard Dreamweaver Insert Record behavior.


Keeping the Form Fields Data When a Wrong reCAPTCHA is Submitted
With this movie we will show you how to keep your form fields data if the form is submitted with wrong or empty DMXzone reCAPTCHA.



Type: Behavior
License: External link
Product: Dreamweaver CS3, Dreamweaver CS4, Dreamweaver CS5/CS5.5 and CS6, Dreamweaver CS5.5, Dreamweaver CC+
Server Model: ASP VBScript, PHP MySQL, ASP JScript
Platform: Win XP/2000/2003/2008/7, Mac OS X, Mac OS X 10.4+
Browser: Opera 9.5, Chrome 9+, Safari 4+, Safari 5+, Firefox 3.6, Chrome 10+
Screen Shot: External link
Tags: google, captcha, recaptcha, dreamweaver, extension


Version 1.1.0

  • Improved integration with HTML Forms - now a form is always required
  • New "After Validation, Go To" option for supplied a follow up page
  • New "Check Empty" formatting function for PHP for easy form fields binding
  • Improved checks with Insert and Update Record Server Behaviors
  • Improved compatibility with Smart Mailer ASP/PHP and Universal Form Validator ASP/PHP
  • Improved installer for for DW CS 5.5+ and Mac DW CS6

Version 1.0.2

  • Improved Dreamweaver 8 compatibility

Version 1.0.1

  • Improved checks so the extension can be applied only to ASP or PHP pages
  • Fixed include file error for users that don't have other DMXzone extensions

George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

See All Postings From George Petrov >>


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