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Free! CSS Drop Shadows

In this free article, Sergio Villarreal shows how to use CSS to make drop shadows, in a way that works across all modern browswers and conforms to Web Standards.

This article was originally published by A List Apart and is reproduced by kind permission. It's copyright © 1998–2004 A List Apart Magazine, Happy Cog Studios, and Sergio Villarreal.


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PHP: Registration and confirmation email system part 1

If you’ve ever tried to register on a web site to use a forum or download the trial version of a product, you may have come across a registration system that emails you a message that you have to respond to before your login or account is activated. Today we’re going to start taking a look at how we can go about creating such a system. We’ll build the interface in Dreamweaver, but by the very nature of what we’ll be doing we will also need to spend some time in the Code View. This article is divided into three parts. The contents of both articles are;

    1. Enter your details in a web form
    2. Submit the form to the web site
    3. Wait for confirmation email
    4. follow instructions in confirmation email, usually a link to click
    5. Log in to site with confirmed login and password

Please note that this article forms part of a chapter in the DMXzone e-book PHP Web Applications for Dreamweaver: Juicy Solutions for the Busy Developer.

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    ASP.NET: Uploading an Image and creating a thumbnail

    During the course of this tutorial you will learn how to provide users with the facility to upload files to a remote server using an HTML form; specifically this tutorial will focus on uploading image files to an Images directory and saving a proportionally-sized thumbnail of the uploaded images in a Thumbs directory. The code presented here is able to identify if an image is landscape or portrait and adjust the dimensions of the generated thumbnail accordingly. This is a very common scenario on a typical e-commerce site where a product list page would show the thumbnail images and the detailed product info page would show the larger image. This tutorial demonstrates how to code the ASP.NET for uploading gif and jpg files.

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    CSS Curved boxes layout

    CSS layouts can often seem a bit “boxy” – while divs with CSS borders applied are nice and clean in terms of mark-up they can look a bit boring in comparison to old style table layouts that make use of curved images carefully placed in table cells to give rounded corners on page elements.


    In this tutorial we will learn one method of creating curved boxes in CSS layouts and we will also look at how the method can be used within a CSS layout to create a less boxy look and feel for a three column design.



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    Playing With the Rainbow: International Colour Implications

    Last week we looked at Real World Music and how they used colour to link their business subsidiaries together throughout their web site. This week we’ll examine colour perception. Perception, in this case, is how we see colour, how we respond to that colour, and why some colours are better for some contexts than others. We learn which feelings are evoked by which colours, how those translate internationally, and by examining the international McDonald's web sites, the Gay Pride Rainbow Flag and Homeland Security Advisory System, we see how different colour schemes work. Read More

    PHP - Back to Basics part 1

    After a number of requests, in this series we’re going to back to basics and will look at PHP from a beginner’s point of view. If you’re looking to expand your knowledge of PHP, and want to move beyond what the default server behaviors etc that Dreamweaver MX offers, to create more advanced sites, then this is the series for you, so that you can get to grips with PHP and really understand what's happening when you begin to handcode and add more powerful features to your web pages.

    First, were going to look at how PHP actually works, and how the PHP code is processed on the web server, and how the web server knows which sections of the page represent PHP code. We then move on to look at the order in which certain PHP operations should be placed on the page, so that they can be processed in a logical order.

    In the second half of this tutorial we look at how to create simple output using PHP, and setup variables which can be used to hold values which change during the course of the script. We then look at a range of different operators which can be used to work with the values in variables, ready for the next part of this tutorial where we will be looking at conditional processing.

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    PHP/ CSS Advanced Image Gallery part 4

    In last week's article we added some functionality to our admin page and altered the main gallery page so that users of your site could search for images and then click through to view a full-size image.  In this weeks article we will add some cool functionality to our gallery so that when a user clicks on a thumbnail to a full-size image, they can navigate through all the other images without having return to the main thumbnail gallery.

    A few loose ends are tidied up, and the result is a fully-functional image gallery using PHP and CSS - no tables - with all the code attached for download.


    Please note that this article forms part of a chapter in the DMXzone e-book PHP Web Applications for Dreamweaver: Juicy Solutions for the Busy Developer.

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    Free! CSS Sprites: Image Slicing’s Kiss of Death

    In this free article Dave Shea shows how to use an innovative new CSS technique which he calls CSS Sprites that works in all modern browsers (except Opera 6), and replaces old-school image slicing and dicing (and the necessary JavaScript) with standard CSS and HTML lists.

    This article was originally published by A List Apart and is reproduced by kind permission. It's copyright © 1998–2004 A List Apart Magazine, Happy Cog Studios, and Dave Shea.


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    The JavaScript News Ticker

    When the web was born, web authors inevitably put up some pretty cheesy web sites. When JavaScript was born, cheese rose to heights unimagined! The news ticker is one of those things of which I’m not sure belongs in the cheese category or not. It can be a useful little tool to draw attention to the latest headlines.

    One such ticker can be seen at the BBC News web site, over at I think the nice thing about the ticker is that it is done in a tasteful manner. It doesn’t dominate the page. Each news piece is a link to that story, and it doesn’t use any real cheesy effects to draw undue attention to it.

    Each title stays around long enough so it doesn’t get annoying. With these things in mind, it seems like it could be a nice addition to a web site. So let’s tear it apart, build it back up again in our patented simplified manner and make use of it!

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    Role based user authentication 2

    Welcome to the continuation of the last article I wrote, ASP: Role-based User Authentication. Previously, we looked at a way to provide role based authentication in a generic manner. We linked modules of functionality to users through four roles: Read, Add, Update, and Delete. We also provided ‘blanket’ Full access without explicitly storing a record for each of the roles. As this article follows on from last time, I highly suggest you read that article first – but it's not compulsory, as the code is provided.

    Today, we’re going to create a simple web-based administration tool for managing these permissions. For the sake of brevity, I won’t go through all the pages such a tool would have, I’ll concentrate on the two pages that tie it all together.


    All the code is provided, as usual, in the code download link below the PDF buttons.

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    Adding Rollovers and Navigation Bars in Dreamweaver

    Letting the visitor know where they are and where they are going are the key ingredients for a good navigation system. Yet, with static HTML, this can be problematic. There is a limited amount of space on the computer screen, and Web designs have to walk the narrow line between providing enough information to let the visitor know what is going on and not overwhelming them with so much information that they can not find what they are looking for. Fortunately, JavaScript allows us to make quick changes to a Web page in reaction to the visitor's actions without having to reload the page.


    A more advanced form of the rollover is the Navigation bar. This allows you to quickly assemble a collection of menu options with rollovers, which you can conveniently edit at any time.

    Dreamweaver did not invent the rollover or the navigation bar, but both Dreamweaver MX and Dreamweaver MX 2004 allow you set them up quickly and easily without having to know all of the complexities of JavaScript.


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    PHP/ CSS Image Gallery part 3

    In last week's article, " Thumbnailing a Portion of an Image ", we took a look at how we could alter our image gallery to provide an interactive way of creating a thumbnail from our uploaded image. In this week's tutorial we will do two things: first we will alter our gallery admin page so that we can see at a glance whether an uploaded image has a thumbnail or not and provide a link from the admin page to create or recreate thumbnails, and then we will revisit the main gallery page again and alter it to display the thumbnails of the images with click-throughs to the larger images that the thumbnail represents.

    It helps if you've read the previous article in this series, and hoping that you have read "PHP/ CSS Searchable Image Gallery" as well - but it's not compulsory, as all the code is provided.


    Please note that this article forms part of a chapter in the DMXzone e-book PHP Web Applications for Dreamweaver: Juicy Solutions for the Busy Developer.

    Note: Check also the DMXzone own CSS Image Gallery extension for amazing pure CSS galleries and slideshows with a fluent navigation and image transitions! 

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