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Building AJAX image gallery Part II


In the first article of the series Building AJAX image gallery –Part I we have created the basic functionality for our AJAX/PHP image gallery. In this iteration we will add some new feature and improve upon the basis established earlier.
Right now we can only load images with the dimensions no larger than our image viewer pane. We also have to manually create thumbnails for all the images beforehand and make sure they all have the same height, which is the height of the thumbnail browser pane. On top of that the whole thing is a little ... dull, so adding a little pizzas definitely wouldn’t hurt.

Note: Check also the DMXzone own CSS Image Gallery extension for amazing pure CSS galleries and slideshows with a fluent navigation and image transitions!

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Using SQL Server and Datagrids in Dreamweaver

Dreamweaver supports several different kinds of server programming models. One of these models is ASP.NET for both VB.NET as well as C#. As a Dreamweaver developer it’s sometimes difficult to understand exactly what you can or cannot do with ASP.NET. Working with the .NET framework can seem daunting to those who are not familiar with the technology.

Probably the best advantage of working with a RAD tool such as Dreamweaver is that the developer is protected from the complexities of OO design patterns and does not need a thorough understanding of the .NET framework in order to work with ASP.NET. Through the use of extremely powerful and highly intuitive wizards and input forms you can implement most of the components and features of ASP.NET without writing a single line of VB.NET or C# code.

In this tutorial we will explore two basic but powerful concepts in ASP.NET: Connecting to an SQL Server database, and using the data within that database to populate a DataGrid component to display a dynamic table on an ASPX Web Form.

Prerequisites: You need access to an SQL Server database for this tutorial as well as Dreamweaver MX. A small scale version of SQL Server (formerly named MSDE) called Express Edition is available for small scale desktop development for free from Microsoft:

We will deploy a simple test database with a single table for testing purposes and then learn how we can connect to this database through Dreamweaver. We’ll then learn how to retrieve data from our test table and use it to populate a DataGrid component.

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Free! - Creating samples for your clients with Photoshop and Fireworks

If you have clients that you need to send site samples to, then you won't want to miss these 2 movie tutorials! I always do all my site designs in Fireworks. You can design multiple variations and even completely different designs by using the Frames panel in Fireworks.


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Building AJAX/PHP image gallery - Part I


Me personally? I am a Flash freak, I prefer Flash to anything else for the front-end development stuff. The trouble is you can’t always go Flash; there are a lot of situations where HTML is your only choice. In those situations AJAX is the next best thing after the sliced bread.

In this article, as it follows from the title, we will build an AJAX-driven image gallery. Users would be able to pick from a list of gallery albums and load the album’s thumbnails. Selecting a thumbnail would display the corresponding image. All the albums along with the images will be physically stored on the web server. Using PHP as the server-side language our AJAX application will read and display the content of the folders on the fly thus eliminating the need of creating and maintaining the gallery database.
Of course (as you would expect from AJAX) there will be no page refreshes as the whole point here is to create a cool, desktop-like experience (right?).

I have many times created and used similar applications in Flash. This and the following articles is an attempt to a certain extent mimic Flash behavior.

Note: Check also the DMXzone own CSS Image Gallery extension for amazing pure CSS galleries and slideshows with a fluent navigation and image transitions! 

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Creating a Flash portfolio movie – part 2

This is part 2 of a tutorial about building a Flash portfolio movie using an AS 2.0 class. We’re building a movie that has the following layout:


The movie takes its contents from an XML file, portfolio.xml. That file provides a list of projects and the images associated with each. When you click a project button, a list of images appears at the bottom. You can click one of these links to load an image into the main image area.

At the end of the last tutorial, we’d created the class file and set up the interface. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have populated the interface from the XML file and you’ll have created a working application. During the tutorial, you’ll learn some useful coding techniques for working with XML data in class files. Remember that the resource files are created in Flash MX 2004 so you’ll need at least this version to finish the tutorial.

You can download the resource files for this tutorial from the blue Properties box that contains the article PDF. There's a heading titled Code Download and you can click the Details link next to it to get the zip file.

Note: If you have difficulties downloading the source files or PDF, you might have a problem with your cookies. Delete the cookies from your machine and try again. In Internet Explorer, you can do this by choosing Tools > Internet Options... and clicking the Delete Cookies... button on the General tab.

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Using Custom Session Objects

When it comes to the topic of using session objects within a web based application there is certainly a lot of controversy and discussion. Some developers believe the session should never be used or even be considered no matter what the design may be, while others grossly overuse it and stick massive amounts of information within it without considering the performance impact. A more reasonable middle of the road approach can be used in most situations without radically affecting performance while still providing some niceties to the end user experience.

In this tutorial we will build a simple functional ASP.NET web application which leverages a reasonable approach to implementing session objects. We will see how we can use an object oriented approach to this implementation in order to keep the session maintainable and the code very clean and easy to read.

The web application will be comprised of two main session object classes, one login page and one home page for displaying a welcome message and the session details. Providing even basic customized user data creates a personalized look and feel in your application where the user feels more involved in your application since they are given a sense that the application knows who they are and details about their previous visits.

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Free! - Extracting a shape from a background in Fireworks using the pen tool

This video tutorial  shows you how to extract a shape from a background in Fireworks using the pen tool. Please be patient as the video might take a while to load.

An excerpt from "Web Page in a Day!" (

Where you learn how to build an entire web site from start to finish. The design is extremely flexible and you also learn how to edit it quickly using your own images. The design is done using CSS and NO tables.


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Configure your Flash Applications using XML – Part Two

In the previous article on using configuration XML files in Flash we looked at using the XML file to overwrite default values in your Flash application. That’s a great way to get started but there is of course much more you can do with configuration files.

In this article I’ll show you some methods that allow you to change the configuration parameters at runtime and update the XML file using PHP.

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The DOM and Nodes

As we all know by now, using the DOM is a powerful technique for manipulating the behaviour layer. It allows you do use unobtrusive techniques as well, while giving you powerful access to everything on your page, with the ability to alter, create or destroy it at will.

The key to using the DOM most effectively is to make generous use of methods that manipulate the nodes in a document. Without understanding these methods and techniques, your DOM scripting will not get very far. But what is a node and why do I want to manipulate it? Let’s find out.

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Creating a Reusable Navigation Menu

Nearly all web sites and web applications on the internet today have some form of user friendly navigation system that allows you to jump from page to page with ease from any location in the website. Most interface developers know how cumbersome it is to place this navigation menu on every single page in the website. Moreover, when something in the navigation changes such as a page name or title, every instance of the menu needs to be updated across all pages.

Dreamweaver developers are probably familiar with the use of templates to solve this recurring problem, whereby a single template for the menu may be defined and then placed onto the web pages requiring the navigation menu. You can then manage a single template and when you make changes, those changes are automatically propagated across all web pages using that template.

VS.NET developers have access to a similar style of implementation, but its design is slightly more object oriented. It also takes advantage of the code-behind pattern, where a front end HTML designer can implement an interface separately from the server side code.

In this tutorial we’ll examine this reusable pattern called a Web User Control, and implement a simple demonstration of how this user control can be used to construct a navigation menu component that can be placed on any page in your web application.

Note: This tutorial is designed using VB.NET and Visual Studio .NET 2003
In order for the source files to work they must be installed in the correct virtual directory; http://localhost/DNZone/MyNav

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Working with graphic filters

Filters and blends are two of the exciting new features that are available in Flash Professional 8. You’ve probably seen both of these features in software packages like Fireworks and Photoshop and both can be used to create special effects in your movies. This article will cover the filters that you can use in Flash Professional. In the next article, I’ll look at working with blend modes. Later articles will show you how to work with these features using ActionScript.

Flash Professional 8 includes seven filters: Drop Shadow, Blur, Glow, Bevel, Gradient Glow, Gradient Bevel and Adjust Color. I’ll cover these filters in detail within this article. We’ll work through some examples so you can see how you might use these filters in your work.

In addition, there are three other filters that are available only through ActionScript - Convolution, ColorMatrix and DisplacementMap. You’ll find out more about those filters in a later article.

You’ll need a copy of Flash Professional 8 to see the filters covered in this article.  You can download a trial version of the software from the Macromedia Web site.

Download the source files for the tutorial from the blue Properties box that contains the article PDF. There's a heading titled Code Download and you can click the Details link next to it to get the zip file. The download includes the starter files you'll need as well as the completed files.

Note: If you have difficulties downloading the source files or PDF, you might have a problem with your cookies. Delete the cookies from your machine and try again. In Internet Explorer, you can do this by choosing Tools > Internet Options... and clicking the Delete Cookies... button on the General tab.

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Free! - How to generate bar codes in your application

This video tutorial  shows you how  to generate bar code images in PHP from recordsets.


Today we'll show you how to generate bar codes in your application.   Our client just got a new hand held scanner and would like bar codes on the bottom of all receipts.   In our real world demo we'll put a bar code on the bottom of a sales receipts. This bar code get's its value for the order details recordset.  

Download Source Code / PDF Help File: Download

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