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Dreamweaver ASP.NET User Management System: Emailing Lost Passwords

In this tutorial, the third in my series on Forms based User Authentication and Authorization with Dreamweaver and ASP.NET, we’ll learn how to build an “Email Lost Password” page to complete our User Management System. If you have not yet read the first of this series, “Multi-Level Forms Authentication with Dreamweaver and ASP.NET: Roles Logins”, or the second Dreamweaver ASP.NET User Management System: Creating and Managing User Groups, I recommend you do so as this tutorial will build upon in earlier in depth discussions of the concepts involved. That said, this tutorial stands on it’s own in the presentation of the topics covered. If you already know how to configure your web site for forms authentication security and roles using the web.config, how to log those users in and associate the user’s identity and role, and how to control the user’s browsing experience programmatically based upon user identity, how to create new users and mange their group membership, then the first two tutorials are probably not for you. 

Before we get started, let’s see if you’re ready. This tutorial makes some assumptions about your skill level--that is, this tutorial is intended for intermediate users. If you’ve never configured a new site in Dreamweaver, never configured a database connection string, or never used the Dreamweaver database connectivity tools, this tutorial is probably not for you as you’ll need to be familiar with these concepts and techniques. If you have done these things but have very little or no experience hand coding, writing SQL statements, using the Dreamweaver advanced Dataset Dialog, don’t worry we’re doing this together and I’ll to do my part to bring you along.

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ASP.NET for Beginners

The purpose of this tutorial therefore is to give new developers or even veteran developers looking for a refresher, a very basic look at the core features and functionality of ASP.NET 1.1. We’ll review some of the theory and key concepts to ASP.NET and look at 2 very basic code examples.

We’ll try to unravel some of the mysteries behind what is going on when you use the types of features in ASP.NET so you have a more clear understanding of how to take the knowledge and apply it in your own applications.

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Design and Accessibility: Part VII

Usability and Accessibility in Action and Example

In the previous design and accessibility article, Linda explained the use of visible or invisible skip links and access keys as tools to help viewers navigate a Website. The use of these tools, among others, helps a Web designer or developer to create usable and accessible Websites. In this article Linda takes readers back to the Montrose Citizens for Responsible Growth site to illustrate how she’s changed the site’s code and structure to date so that the site is more navigable for all users. This lesson is based on the previous six articles in this series, where usability, accessibility, global structure, and the separation of content, structure, and presentation are addressed. The Montrose site is based on a WordPress blog, but all blog users and Website developers can follow some code examples in this article to make sites more accessible.

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Using Contribute to Edit Your Website

What is Contribute?

Contribute is desktop software that you install on a Mac or Windows machine. It costs $149 (or less in quantity) and allows a non-technical user to edit web pages. With minimal training almost anyone who is competent with e-mail, word processing and web browsing can edit existing web pages.

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Dialogue Boxes in ASP.NET

Dialogue boxes are a fundamental part of any application, whether it be a desktop or web application.  They provide a basic level of interaction between the application and the end user, allowing the user to control basic application flow through various messages.

Web applications in general often make it difficult to implement even basic functionality that is easily provided in the desktop world due to the single request/response methodology in a thin client/server model. To make matters worse, the ASP.NET postback pattern makes it even more difficult to customize page flow.

Although the postback pattern in ASP.NET has made a world of improvements in everyday basic development, it has also created several new shortcomings and limitations that require some trickery and creativity to make certain features work.

Adding even further to the limitations of the postback pattern is the use of JavaScript by the .NET framework to control most user interface events. Clicking a button for example executes some JavaScript which reloads the page, sending a postback event to the server.

The reason this complicates matters so much is because most developers turn to JavaScript when implementing basic client side features, such as confirmations, alerts and popups. Tying into the existing JavaScript used by the .NET framework isn’t always the easiest and requires a thorough understanding of the JavaScript utilized by .NET on web form controls.

In this tutorial we will look at 3 different methods of providing basic user input and interaction using JavaScript and ASP.NET controls. We will look at how we can append our own functionality to the built in .NET JavaScript functionality provided by ASP.NET user controls.

The 3 examples we will look at are as follows:

1)       Alert information display

2)       Confirmation conditional processing

3)       Modal Dialogue Popup window with conditional processing

Although this tutorial is built using ASP.NET with Visual Studio .NET, the code required is extremely simplistic and the functionality is geared more towards JavaScript client side code.

Note: Both VB.NET and C# examples are provided in this tutorial

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Dreamweaver ASP.NET User Management System: Creating and Managing User Groups

Managing users and user groups users is necessary on a number of websites, for instance the one you’re using now has different user groups with different duties and levels or authority. If you’ve spent much time developing with Dreamweaver and Classic ASP, you used Dreamweaver’s built in support for user management. If you wanted to create a new user, it was only a point and a click away in the Server Behaviours drop down. Imagine my surprise when, while building my first ASP.NET application, I found no such behaviour I could simply apply. No, I had to figure it out myself and it was far too late to add any extra money to the project budget for overtime! As it turned out, with careful thought and a few Google searches, I was able to craft a page that added new users without duplicates and without killing my weekend.

In this tutorial, the second in my series on Forms based User Authentication and Authorization with Dreamweaver and ASP.NET, we’ll learn how to build a “Create New User” page and a User Management System for assigning Roles to new users by joining them to user groups. If you have not yet read the first of this series, “Multi-Level Forms Authentication with Dreamweaver and ASP.NET: Roles Logins”, I recommend you do so as this tutorial will build upon in depth discussions of the concepts involved found in the first tutorial.

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Building a Simple Hangman Game with Flash part 2

Welcome to the second part of our two part tutorial about how to build a simple hangman game. In the first part of the tutorial, we discussed the logic behind the application and covered each of the interface elements that we’d need for the game.

You don’t need to have completed part 1 of the tutorial, but it will help you to understand exactly what we’re building here.

As with part 1, you’ll need to have a basic knowledge of ActionScript to complete the tutorial. You’ll need to know where to enter ActionScript and have a basic understanding of concepts like variables and functions. The code in this tutorial is ActionScript 2.0 but it is not class-based. You’ll need at least Flash MX 2004 to complete the tutorial.

You can download the source files for the tutorial from the blue Properties box that contains the article PDF. There's a heading titled Code Download and you can click the Details link next to it to get the zip file. The download includes the starter file as well as the completed hangman game.

Note: If you have difficulties downloading the source files or PDF, you might have a problem with your cookies. Delete the cookies from your machine and try again. In Internet Explorer, you can do this by choosing Tools > Internet Options… and clicking the Delete Cookies… button on the General tab.

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Design and Accessibility: Part VI

Navigation and Accessibility Tools

In the previous design and accessibility article, Linda explained why site navigation is similar to graphical and architectural wayfinding. If a user cannot visualize how to navigate through your site, or if you don’t post guidelines and highly visible and consistent signs along the way, the user will become lost and frustrated. Unlike Websites, if a user becomes lost in a building, they must plan how to navigate a way out of the building. Unfortunately, if a user gets lost in your site, all they need to do is navigate to safety is to close the browser window.

In sum, if your site isn’t accessible, then it isn’t navigable. As the U.S. Section 508 demands more attention and with the introduction of the PAS 78 in Great Britain, knowledge of accessibility means that you gain an upper hand in Website-building bidding wars. To that end, Linda expands on content placement and how to find content with skip links and access keys through tips and code examples. If you’re fond of new technologies, like AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML), Linda will also give you fall-back options so that a larger number of viewers can access your site.

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Hands-on Primer on skinning Flash components


Flash components are cool! That, of course, is an understatement.  The ability to create highly customized, visually attractive application interfaces is the most obvious advantage of Flash components over their HTML counterparts. One could never achieve the same level of customization with CSS and HTML as with skins in Flash.

Back in Flash MX days skinning components was a fun and easy thing to do: you would simply modify some items in the movie’s Library and publish your movie – your components would be updated in a blink of an eye.

But ever since the version 2.0 of the Components architecture was implemented many designers have been feeling shy about the whole skinning idea. As the skins’ elements are embedded into the precompiled SWC movie clips and are no longer listed in the movie’s Library, they are not available directly for editing.

Well, the truth is the new architecture allows you to skin your components in a smarter, more organized way.
Sure you can change colors of certain elements through Action Script, apply “halo themes” and Cascading Style Sheets, but version 2.o architecture also allows you to modify your components’ appearance directly as you would do with any regular shape of symbol.

This article is called “Hands-on Primer on skinning Flash components”. It means that I am not going to bore you with a lot of theory. You will find a little bit of theory at the end of article (just a tiny bit), but by the time we are done you will intuitively know most of it.

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Web Forms: Avoiding User Frustration

Web Forms: Avoiding User Frustration

For a user, forms on websites can be a frustrating exercise. They require information they don't want to give. They contain confusing choices. The user is forever unsure as to whether it's even worth filling them in...

By following a few rules of thumb, designers and developers can make things much easier for the people using their forms, and thereby enhance the likelihood that somebody will order form their site or sign up for their service..

In this tutorial we'll look at some methods and techniques to help your produce quality web forms, split across the following areas:

  • Clarity
  • Flexibility
  • Accessibility

and a brief note about another area to consider:

  • Legality
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Creating a Stateful Web Service

Creating a Stateful Web Service

One of the problems in web development is the server-client model, or specifically the thin-client model. Where thin client refers to the web browser being used to access your application. This style of client-server model is a stateless model, meaning that no information (state) can be retained across multiple requests to the server.

This is essentially how the web functions, and it creates several inconveniences in development due to the workarounds that can be implemented. Most developers are familiar with the session object, which is a uniform concept in web applications that can be found in most development languages. Session variables allow your application to become stateful because you can store information for each individual user and persist that information across multiple requests.

Note: This tutorial requires Visual Studio.NET. Both VB.NET and C# code will be provided for both the Web service application as well as the consumer ASP.NET application

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Dynamic Table of Contents

In this article you will learn how you can employ DHTML to quickly and easily add a dynamic Table of Contents feature to your (lengthy) web pages.


Whether managing a simple static HTML web site or a complex database-driven application, at some point every developer comes across the task of building a section with some form of content listing.
Company News, Products Features, Frequently Asked Questions, Blogs and Tech Notes are perfect examples of content listings.
All these various types of content have at least one thing in common: each of them has a listing of content blocks and needs a way of navigating between the listing items.

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