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Working with the Spry Menu Bar Control

It's time to get familiar with one of the major new features of Dreamweaver – Spry.  This is the name given to the new AJAX framework in Dreamweaver CS3 which enables you to drag a series of useful predefined controls directly on to the page.  One of these controls is the Spry Menu Bar and this tutorial is going to look at how to use it for best effect and how to use another of the Spry controls – the Spry XML Data Set – in conjunction with it to produce a dynamic and attractive navigation menu quickly and easily.

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Spry Chat Part Two

This article is the second and the final one in the series on building online chat application using Dreamweaver CS3 Spry framework. While Part One was all about Spry and building the interface foundation this time around we will concentrate on making the interface a little more attractive, as well as developing the server-side functionality required to send and receive chat messages. Finally we will set up appropriate file permissions to make sure our application can read and write the information to/from a file on the server.

PHP is used for all back-end operations in our chat application (without any database functionality involved).

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Loading an RSS feed into Flex using ActionScript 3.0

ActionScript 3.0 is the latest version of the ActionScript scripting language which goes with Flex 2. You can only run SWF files containing ActionScript 3.0 in Flash Player 9. ActionScript 3.0 makes some major changes to the language and introduces a number of new features. If you're used writing ActionScript 2.0, you probably won't find the latest version too difficult to master.

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Implementing User Management in ASP.NET 2.0 – Part 2

Welcome to Implementing User Management in ASP.NET 2.0 Part 2. In this second and final tutorial we will expand upon the foundation we built during part 1 for managing users in a web application through a custom SQL provider.

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Working with the YUI Calendar Control

In a recent article, I looked at making one the Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) utilities work for you in the form of a news scroller.  In this article, I'm going to explore the functions of the of the library's controls – the Calendar control. The utilities provide different types of functionality, which you are free to implement in whatever way you want. The controls are slightly different, consisting of a set of predefined objects that enable user input and should be used pretty much as they are. They are still highly configurable however and you have a broad range of options when adding them to your pages.

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Creating Graphics for your Portfolio Projects

If you want to create a graphics box for your portfolio, but you don’t have a 3D software program, what do you do? If you have Photoshop, you can create a box with your own design that looks like you put it together with a snappy 3D program! In this tutorial, Linda leads you through the box creation and adds numerous other tips on how to make that image pop out with Photoshop CS2 magic.

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Charting with Flex – part 2

In the previous article, I showed you the power of creating charts using the Flex charting components. We created a simple pie chart and added some styling as well as looking at some of the variations that are possible.

In this article, I want to take things one step further. This time, we'll create a column chart and display data that we've loaded from an external XML file. You'll see how to:

  • structure an XML file with the chart data
  • load the XML content into the application
  • set the dataProvider from the loaded content
  • add data series from the loaded content
  • add a legend to the chart
  • change the column and axis colours
  • add a line to create a mixed chart type
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Object Oriented Data Access in ASP.NET 2.0 – Part 2

Welcome to the second and final part of this 2 part series regarding object oriented data access in ASP.NET 2.0. During object oriented data access in ASP.NET part 1 we began laying the foundation for a multi tiered ASP.NET application that utilized several key features of object oriented design.

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Creative Portfolio: Putting It All Together

Within the past few months, Linda has led you through several portfolio projects that will help you to expand your skills and offerings to clients and to potential employers. Now, in this last article to the portfolio series, Linda shows you how to put it all together. This tutorial covers the print portfolio as well as the CD and online portfolio with examples and guidelines.

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Charting with Flex – part 1

One of the great features of Flex Builder and the Flex framework is the charting components. These components allow you to create several different types of charts using either tags or ActionScript including line, column, bar, pie and area charts. You can change the chart options and add styling.

In this tutorial, I'll walk you through the general process of creating a chart and we'll create a simple pie chart. You'll learn how to

  • add and display data on the chart
  • add labels and a title
  • add a legend
  • change the colours for each slice of pie
  • create a doughnut and exploded pie chart
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Spry Chat Part One

I think many would agree that the most exciting news about Dreamweaver CS 3 is the cool Spry framework.  If you don’t know what that is then here is my quick definition:
Spry is a framework for building basic AJAX functionality in Dreamweaver.

If you want to learn more about the concept I would suggest referring to Dreamweaver Help (that is if you own Dreamweaver CS 3), which I won’t be citing here, or visiting Adobe web site.

This two-part series is designed as a hands-on tutorial in which you will build a chat application utilizing Spry Data and Validation features.

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Implementing User Management in ASP.NET 2.0 – Part 1

The .NET 2.0 framework has brought developers many new useful features and a whole host of new built-in functionality that can be utilized in everyday development. One of the more complex new built in features is user management.

User management, membership, profiles, roles, security, authentication, authorization, it can go by a number of different names and definitions. The bottom line is that most web applications require some form of storing user accounts, their information, and usually at bare minimum their logon credentials.

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