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Leverage Stored Procedures with GridView in ASP.NET 2.0

With some of the new data connectivity options available in Visual Studio 2005 it can be difficult sometimes deciding which method or route to take when designing your interface controls and which connection method they should use with your database.

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Debugging applications in Flex Builder 2

The Flex framework is a great approach for building Web applications that run in SWF files. It comes with a set of built-in components that you can extend and use for a variety of purposes. However, what do you do when you can't get your application to work properly? What do those warnings and error messages actually mean and how can you figure out what's causing them? That's the topic for this article – the various debugging tools that are available to you in Flex Builder 2.

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A Return to Colour Theory

It seems that some designers soak up colour theories with gusto, whereas other designers feel that colour represents an issue that’s best ignored and left to the “pros”. In this article, Linda talks to the latter designers, and shows you how to master colour with a bit of work and with the help of many new online tools especially designed to deal with the issues that Web designers encounter…

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Protecting your Content


The issue of web content copyright protection is as old as the Web itself. Your text, your images, your videos and scripts – whatever you put on the web can quickly become “adopted” by someone less capable or more “inventive”.

The issue of web content copyright protection is as old as the Web itself. Your text, your images, your videos and scripts – whatever you put on the web can quickly become “adopted” by someone less capable or more “inventive”.

Although there are no bullet-proof methods of protecting your content that doesn't mean you should stop trying. While there is no point in "fighting the windmills" there are situations where you might really "use your fists" - at least to keep the amateurs away.

I this article on "digital self-defense" we will discuss some tricks to help you with the task.

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Basic Ajax GridView in ASP.NET 2.0 – Part 2

Welcome to Basic Ajax GridView in ASP.NET 2.0 part 2, the second and final installation of this two part series regarding implementing basic Ajax features into an ASP.NET 2.0 application. During this second part of the series we will build upon the foundation we created during part 1 and add more Ajax enabled features to our sample application.

The goal of any Ajax application is to give your end users a richer user interface to work with, simplifying their daily tasks and workload. Microsoft’s Ajax implementation now has two sets of tools that work in conjunction with Visual Studio 2005. The first tools are the basic Ajax extension controls which are responsible for Ajax enabling your application, and the second set of tools is a complete library of new Ajax enabled controls available in the Ajax Control Toolkit, both of which are free to download and use in your applications.

In Basic Ajax GridView in ASP.NET 2.0 part 1 we created a simple application that displayed Calendar events in a GridView control. During this second part we will accomplish two main goals, allowing the user to add new records using a DetailsView control, and implement one of the controls in the Ajax Control Toolkit for selecting a date using the Ajax Calendar control without causing postbacks.

Note: Visual Studio 2005 and a version of SQL Server (preferably SQL 2005 Express) is required for this tutorial. Since no custom code will be written both VB and C# developers are welcome.

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Creating an Ad Campaign

Throughout the past two articles, Linda has explained Google Analytics and showed you the stats to measure before you even begin an ad campaign. In this article, Linda discusses how you can promote your Website and measure the results of your ad campaign with Google Analytics. Whether you focus on print, television, or online advertising, Google can help you analyse which ads work to bring traffic to your site.

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Creating an XML application using Flex Builder – part 3

Welcome to the final part of the three part case study on building a Flex 2 application. In part 1, we started to build our real estate listings application. We created the interface for the application and the custom class that loaded the external XML document. In part 2, we populated the interface to show a list of all properties from the XML document.

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Getting Started with Google Maps

In a recent two-part tutorial, I showed you how easy it was to create interesting and interactive maps using the Yahoo! Maps API.  In this two part series, I'm going to show you how to do the same with the Google Maps API.  Google's API is just as easy to work with, but has slightly more functionality than Yahoo's API so at present Google is the way to go.

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Google Traffic Stats: Your Market

In the previous article Linda introduced you to Google Analytics. If you opened an account, then you know by now how deeply the analytics dissect your traffic. But, where do you go from here? In this article, Linda shows you how to analyse your traffic and visitors so you can begin to create an ad campaign, one that will bring more traffic to your site and – better yet – one that will help to retain that traffic as loyal customers.

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Basic Ajax GridView in ASP.NET 2.0 – Part 1

Recently Microsoft decided to rename their .NET Ajax capabilities formerly known as “Atlas” to a more generic moniker ASP.NET Ajax. Whatever you prefer to call it the overall fundamental power of this technology remains incredible.

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Creating an XML application using Flex Builder – part 2

Welcome to part 2 of the three part case study on building a Flex 2 application. In part 1, we started to build our real estate listings application. We created the interface for the application and the custom class that loaded the external XML document. In part 2, we'll populate the Repeater control in the interface to show a list of all properties from the XML document.

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Messing Around With Yahoo! Maps Part Two

Welcome to part two. In the first part we lookedatadding a new map instance image, adding markers and smart windows and finally, we looked at allowing visitors to add a new marker using an address. It worked well, the new marker was added, but there is still a lot we can do to improve it. The biggest problem is that if the visitor sets a new marker that is further away than the bounds of the current map image, the new marker won't be visible without dragging the map around. Luckily there are a few properties that we can play with to fix this. 

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