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Flex and PHP: Building a Message Board – part 1

If you're a Flash developer, you've probably heard of or even worked with Flex. The Flex 2 framework provides a very flexible way to develop SWF applications. You can build simple applications like calculators that don’t use any data from outside sources. You can also build more complex applications that take their content from text or XML documents or even from a database.

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A jQuery Navigation Menu Part Two

Welcome back to part two of the jQuery menu tutorial. In part one we looked at a scaleable solution to adding submenu indicators and an easy jQuery replacement to CSS rollovers. In this part we're going to look at enhancing the appearance of the menu with drop shadows on the submenus, as well as adding a little dynamism with AJAX generated submenus.

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A jQuery Navigation Menu Part One

We continue our travel through the land of jQuery by looking at a solution which tackles one of the oldest web designs challenges; the humble navigation menu. We looked at creating navigation menus based on traditional web design methods, but like everything that you throw at jQuery, the library gives back improved functionality and lighter code in half the time, as we'll see during the course of this tutorial.

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Learn How to Draw: Form and Depth

Now that you have the human form down, Linda wants to take you beyond figures and drapery and into still life and landscapes. But, before you go there, you’ll need to learn more about form and depth and composition. In addition, you probably want to learn how to develop some texture in your work. But, first things first – this article is about how to find forms in everything you want to draw, and how to develop depth with those forms.

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How to Animate a GridView with Ajax in ASP.NET 2.0

How to use the ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit to animate a fade out/fade in effect on a DataGrid control in ASP.NET 2.0

As the internet continues to evolve each day new websites are appearing more and more that are able to look and behave like desktop applications. The web development technologies available today are extremely robust and flexible, and capable of creating very impressive user interfaces.

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Free - Creating a Special Wedding Picture with Photoshop CS3

In this tutorial you'll learn how create a special wedding picture with Photoshop CS3 using Smart Objects and Layers.

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Free - Adding an email form with Smart Mailer ASP

In this video tutorial Richard shows you how to use Smart Mailer ASP to add a simple email form on your website. This email form allows your visitors to write their comments on your website and then send them right to your email with a single click.

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Printing with Flex 2

A common task for developers is providing a way for people to print out the contents of a Flex application. Often, you'll want to print out something that looks different from what's on the screen – maybe a simplified version of the data or the interface. The good news is that you can do this using Flex 2.

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Free! - How to build a PHP Search Engine

Introduction or a tale of how easy a search engine could work

Five years ago your site may have had five or six pages. However, over the time it has grown and one day you wake up with 2 GB of content, more than a thousand links and no way to sort them by relevance. You need a way for you and your visitors to get information about your services and products faster. A search engine could help you and your site visitors find that precious piece of information on your extensively growing site.

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Expanding Content Boxes with jQuery Part Two

Welcome to Part 2 of the content box tutorial. In the first part we looked at embedding a single box of content on our page. In this part, we're going to look at having multiple boxes on the same page. We can't just use and build upon the same code that we ended Part 1 with because there were too many assumptions made by the code. The new buttons that were dynamically added following an expansion or collapse of the box, for example, were just added to all instances of <div> elements with a class of .title, knowing that this would only refer to one element.

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Working with Validation Controls in ASP.NET – Part 2

How to integrate the suite of Validation controls in ASP.NET 1.x and 2.0 web applications

Welcome to the second and final part of this two part series regarding how to implement the suite of validation controls available in ASP.NET. During Working with Validation Controls in ASP.NET Part 2 we will expand upon the sample application we began building during Part 1 and finish examining the remaining controls available for validation.

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Learn How to Draw: Women’s Clothes and Fashion

This is the third in the series about how to draw clothing. In the previous two articles, Linda demonstrated how to draw folds, the seven folds and their variations, and how they worked in men’s clothing. In this last article on how to draw garments, Linda will demonstrate how and why women’s clothing is different than men’s garments. In addition, she’ll introduce you to fashion illustration.

Advertisement: Learning How To Draw e-Book

When you learn how to draw, you'll see the world around you in a different perspective.Linda Goin takes you on a creative journey, where you'll discover the world on paper.

Draw the human figure, motion, clothing, folds, shadings and last but not least learn allyou need to know about composition.

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