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Filtered welcome authorized user page

How do I filter individual contents to individual authorized users displayed in his/her welcome page?

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Forms Validation

Auto generate username

Auto generate a username using letters and numbers. Then send it to the person registering. Read More

How do I format database output into paragraphs?

I followed the tutorial on Simple CMS and everything is working fine. However,  my article is displayed as a long solid block of text making it unreadable. Read More

outlook meeting request from asp

How do i send outlook meeting request from asp.

Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
set imsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

 imsg.Subject ="Test meeting"
    Set Flds = iConf.Fields
    Flds("").value = "xxx.xx.xx.xx"
    Set iMsg.Configuration = iConf
    set ibp = imsg.BodyPart.AddBodyPart
 iBp.ContentClass = "urn:content-classes:calendarmessage"
 iBp.ContentMediaType = "text/vcalendar; charset=""utf-8"""
 set stm = ibp.GetDecodedContentStream
     Stm.WriteText msgbody()'bodytext()

this send meeting request but in outlook it doesn't show as meeting request. what i am doing wrong?

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Client Side

Photo Album 2.2


I am trying to make a photo album using the MX photo album 2.2. I would like to use an existing MX template for the album instead of an MX built in version. Can this be done? If so, how? Do I have to edit every html page created?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.




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