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Golive - Dynamic Link - OSX Server, PHP, MySQL

How to connect to a web server (setup using ) using Adobe Golive's Dynamic Link to drag-and-drop PHP / MySQL and make dynamic web pages. Read More

multiple update records with php?

updating multiple records on a single page, using mySQL / PHP?

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Send Html e-mail produced by Asp code

There is a bill page, it was produced by a Asp code according to users choice. And while user sees this page, the other Asp process sends this bill as html e-mail.

Now what must this code be?

Suppose that CDONTS.NewMail is used.


Thanks a lot

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highlightning rows AND links through javascript

I know the highlightning script. The problem is to change the link color as well. There is a script available for this (fade link script) but works on its own and only changes color when you mouse over the text. I need it to change simultaniously the row AND the link color on mouse over of the whole row. So the row needs to be mouse sensitive, i guess. How can we accomplish this, without imagemaps etc.?




Alexander Moody

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Passing form variables from Login

i need help with the correct code. I would like to pass hidden form variables from login page to the success page.
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