Check the Smart Mailer extension

October 24, 2003 by Martha Graham

Check our Smart Mailer extension here at DMXzone.

Martha Graham

Use HTML email

October 26, 2003 by Carl Grint

You can simply add Email script into page which send the information in HTML format from database to client when the page is viewed.

CDONTS is fine or the New CDOYS


'body of email
mailbody = "<font size =3 face = Verdana>" & "<strong>" & rsuserdetails("UserForename") & " " & rsuserdetails("UserSurname") & "</strong>" & "</font>" & "<br>" & "<br>"
mailbody = mailbody & "<font size =2 face = Verdana>"  & "<strong>" & "Your Bill"  & "</strong>" &  "<br>" & "<br>"
mailbody = mailbody & "<font size =2 face = Verdana>" &  "details"  & rsuserdetails("details")  & "</font>"

' Send the e-mail
Set objCDO = Server.CreateObject("Cdonts.NewMail")
objCDO.BodyFormat =0 ' 0 is a plain text, 0 "zero" is a HTML
objCDO.MailFormat = 0 ' 1 is a plain text, 0 "zero" is mime format
objCDO.To = rsuserdetails("UserEmail")<--enter your recordset and column here
objCDO.From = "enter your email here"
objCDO.Subject ="Email title"
objCDO.Body =mailbody
Set objCDO = Nothing

This is a basic example, you can replace the email content at will, just remembering to format it correctly.

Hope this helps

RE: Check the Smart Mailer extension

September 25, 2006 by hector sanchez