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register, login pages

Help with login pages and Access Database.

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Delete Parent and child using dreamweaver

Hi yea,
I have a parent table called boss and a child table called employee, One boss many employees in each department. If I delete a boss I want to delete all the employees too. lol Read More

Apply template to file

Hi, I have a problem with template.

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conditional statement

In utilizing a paypal form with a drop down menu for a product that comes in four sizes with each size a different price. Is it possible to use some sort of conditional statement that would alter the price of the item depending on which size is selected. If so could someone point me to a solution or tutorial Read More

passing form values

I am attempting to make a health survey form. Viewers would select an answer from select menu for 18 questions in 2 seperate sections one for hyperactivity and the other for inattentive. Each of these questions have a value number between o and 3.

I would like to add the total for each section of questions and output that on a second page with a combined total, and an interpretation based on the the totals for each section.

Example:    Section 1 inattentive  = 12
                 Section 2 hyperactive = 19
                 Combined Total = 31
                 Impression: ADHD Combination type tends to be more hyperactive

But I am lost.  Any help woud be appreciated.

Thanks, Bea


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