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pop up menu over frames

I have a banner inside a frame.

I can't see the buttons on mouse over because they are cut short by the frame.....


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checkboxes to select the needed columns from a dataset having multiple columns

checkboxes to select the needed columns from a dataset having multiple columns

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Forms Validation

Custom Submit Button

This is probably rather simple to do.

I would like to make an image become a submit button for a JMailer. I've tried to screw around with onClick commands, but I don't think I'm doing it correctly.

Is this even possible? If not, how would I go about creating a custom button that would accomplish this task?

Thanks for your help.

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I need help making my ASP.NET Calendar

I need some help with making an APS.NET Calendar. I need to know how to make the calendar so that it will display the information that I have stored in the Microsoft Access database of events, that I have already made, in a calendar and then make it pop up a longer discription when you click on the event. Read More

using radio groups

its like when gathering info about a certain question, well its more like a poll question form. when you click a corresponding radio button it will send an intiger value to your database.

i hope somone can help me....

thanx in advance!!!!!

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