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DMXzone Extensions are Compatible with Dreamweaver CC 2018

Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2018 is now released! We are happy to inform you that our extensions are fully compatible with that version.

After installing, you should run the program at least once, then restart DMXzone Extension Manager and Dreamweaver CC 2018 will appear in the header. Choose it and install all the extensions you need!

Remember, Dreamweaver CC 2018 is a brand new version and you have to reinstall the extensions before using them in the new environment.

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Put Website Security on Focus

We are focusing on the cybersecurity, that well-known issue!

Protecting your website and stopping spambots from submitting forms is really important for every project - mainly because of the risk of abuse, which is getting more and more concentrated nowadays.

Learn more: how protect contact forms or registration forms, both client- and server-side. Make sure that you have fully secured your project by protecting every server action with server-side validation.

You can even validate any character set using Unicode Validator Add-on.

Read more about form validation on our Medium blog

Get at least 19% discount on App Connect From Validator, App Connect reCAPTCHA and App Connect From Validator Unicode Add-on until next Wednesday! Protect your websites!

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Give Power to JSON, Use It as a Data Source

New release!

Nowadays, JSON is getting more and more popular in the web development. That's why we have decided to join the trend with JSON Data Source. The extension will help you to feed every project with data from a single .json file instead of database. Of course, you can use both!

It's possible to use every local JSON and improve your project with nice services like weather forecasts, currency exchange and similar.

Check the showcase below and see our newest extension in action!

Of course, more than 20% release discount until Wednesday!

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Grow Your Business: Customers Dashboard

It's always a good idea to keep and eye on your customers or partners. That will make your business stronger, fast growing and clear! We can give you a suggestion: try to list all of your customers' details in a database, making it accessible on any device - desktop, mobile or tablet. All of your customers in a simple system with filtering and search box!

You need a couple of DMXzone products and the most important is App Connect Data Traversal - it will optimize page your performance! Because of the extension's technology, blazing fast filtering and paging will be available on your page.

Well-known App Connect State Management and DMXzone Database Connector are also in the game, as well as App Connect and Server Connect. That's all!

Check the showcase below and figure out how to do it by yourself!

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Closed Beta Version of Wappler is Released

We are happy to announce that the beta version of Wappler, our own finely developed standalone visual web app creator, is now released!

That is Wappler's first big milestone! Our algorithm-selected group of testers will give us first user feedback about the application's functions.

The testing period has a duration of 10 days. Immediately after that, our team is planning to release a public beta version.

Please check your e-mail or SPAM folder to figure out if you're among the invited users.

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Speed Up your Website with App Connect State Management

Mighty fast data-driven websites? We have updated Cookie Manager component of App Connect State Management, so you can get even better experience!

The usage videos will show you how to work with sessions cookies and manage data using caching with local storage.

In the showcase below you can see how App Connect State Manager is caching the data for 1 hour in the browser's local storage.

That's how you can improve page performance by speeding up data loading speed, because the data is not reloaded from the server every time you change the current page.

And... more than 30% update release discount until next Tuesday!

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Start a Blog with Security Provider and Medium Editor

Great new suggestion for your next web project! Learn how to create your own blogging system, without using any of the well-known content management platforms. Just by a couple of DMXzone extensions: Security Provider and App Connect Medium Editor.

The showcase below will demonstrate you that easy to do and powerful custom made system in action. Check the videos to figure out how to do that!

Remember, you can get the updated DMXzone Security Provider with 20% discount until tomorrow, so hurry up!

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Join the Revolution: Wappler is Coming Up

Time to reveal a great mystery!

Yes, it's absolutely true! We are about to launch our own finely developed standalone visual web app creator: Wappler. Our team believes that the power of modern web technologies should be easy accessible!

Wappler builds further on the solid base of DMXzone extensions, but now all available in a brand new, mighty fast, standalone and cross platform visual editor.

Read more in the article below.

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Create a Login System with Improved DMXzone Security Provider

We have updated DMXzone Security Provider PHP/ASP/ASP.NET with improved cookie handling!

It's still the greatest solution for creating a complete login system for your web project. View the whole tutorial about building a login system here.

Our newest showcase will demonstrate you the features of the extension in action for building an admin panel access.

More than 20% update release discount is available until next Wednesday. Secure your website now!

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See How App Connect Masonry is Improving Your Website

Two showcases will show you live demo of our newest extension - App Connect Masonry, which will add your items in a great grid based on the available vertical space. It looks amazing!

See in action below!

Don't forget, get until Wednesday with almost 25% release discount. 

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