Time to reveal a great mystery!
Yes, it's absolutely true! We are about to launch our own finely developed standalone visual web app creator: Wappler. Our team believes that the power of modern web technologies should be easy accessible!
Wappler builds further on the solid base of DMXzone extensions, but now all available in a brand new, mighty fast, standalone and cross platform visual editor.
Read more in the article below.
The Story
Why we decided to run own project?Adobe Dreamweaver is turning more and more into a tool for hardcore coders and loosing its well-known visual abilities. It's also a truth that Dreamweaver's development has being way behind the latest web or mobile app developments.
We give you one alternative: this new tool is powered by all the extensions from DMXzone and all the latest technology, and going further - where Dreamweaver hasn't gone before!
For many years our Dreamweaver community is offering high quality extensions for web designers and developers and we are so thankful to Adobe for that great web era!What is Wappler?Wappler is standing for Web App Builder. We give you the opportunity to create single page applications and mobile apps without any skills! And following DMXzone's main principle: just add creativity.
In a nutshell: Wappler you will be able to fully visually create web sites and apps by combining many ready to go components and defining fully visually your application flow and functioning.
All of our current App Connect and Server Connect extensions will be implemented as native components of Wappler. So the same power technologies as App Connect for front-end development, Server Connect for all server side workflows, will be available within Wappler.
With Wappler we are opening a new way to complete freedom of extension
development based on the latest web and app standards, empowering the
modern workflows of multi target publishing, modern web and app building
and packaging workflows!
What about the future of DMXzone?
As we will continue to support Dreamweaver with high quality extensions
on DMXzone - with Wappler we will offer you even more powerful
extensions that deliver the latest technologies and does not limit us as
Dreamweaver did. All the DMXzone support channels will remain switched on and working as before.
Our most loyal members will receive a special invitation next week to join a private beta!
We are starting a revolution! Stay tuned and keep an eye on wappler.io and blog.wappler.io.
If we should describe Boris with one word, he is a digital enthusiast with broader experience in frontend web development using modern technologies - HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6, jQuery, Angular.js), PHP. He is part of DMXzone and contributing to the community as one of you.
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Sounds great!
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