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Integrating Flash with Microsoft VB.NET Part-1


Graphical User interfaces once used to be a non-important feature of corporate applications, the developers used to emphasize more on logic, efficiency & the time of development of the applications. They didn’t put much effort in creating a better user interface, this approach resulted in ugly looking application interfaces that where created after spending hundreds of hours of hard work and a very large amount of money. But now-a-days, good GUI does matter. For years, desktop applications have had very awkward looking dark blue or gray interfaces. This doesn’t mean that developers don’t want to create good looking applications.  Often the reason is, to create an appealing interface of any application, the developer has to do a lot of programming so that he can create some non-conventional interfaces. Even to create a star like button, a C/C++ developer has to write loads of C++ code to achieve the task.

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Free! - Creating a product page, the easy way

Ever wanted to build fancy product pages that you can easily edit online without the need for HTML coding? This tutorial shows you how to build an online catalog with images and a  WYSIWUG editor, it uses the extensions from Advanced HTML Editor Img Bundle ASP v2.

About the bundle
Enrich your forms with a fully customizable Online HTML Editor. Let your users create formatted content without having to know HTML! You can make the editor fit your design by choosing from several predefined designs, add your own style sheets for formatting of the text and more.

Advanced HTML Editor Version 2 is now fully cross browser compatible (mozilla browsers) and offers many new improvements!

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An Abstract Add Row Class for Dynamic Table Rows

Quite often we want to add dynamic functionality to our pages, but we end up writing a lot of page specific code. Then we duplicate that process for another page, and another page, until quite soon what we have is a big sopping mess! We’ve been talking about writing unobtrusive JavaScript, and what this also means is abstracting the function or class away from the data by which it is supported.

A good example is the attach document page for Yahoo! Mail. On that page I have the choice of adding up to five attachments – but what if I want to add more? I would have to save the first five, go back to the main compose interface, then click attach, and then start the process over again. This is a waste of time for a user. The smart thing to do would be to give the user the option of adding more fields if they so desire. It was smart not to clutter up the page with too many fields – and even smarter to let the user add some if they need it.

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Free! - Web accessibility and the law in the UK: Is your website legal?

There's been widespread speculation about the new legislation being introduced, which will ensure that websites are accessible to disabled users. Try to find specific information about it on the Internet and chances are you'll come up empty handed.

The RNIB (Royal National Institute for the Blind) and the DRC (Disability Rights Commission), two of the most renowned advocates for creating accessible websites, have no specific information about the laws and what websites specifically need to do in order to meet the legal requirements.

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More drawing in Flash with ActionScript

More drawing in Flash with ActionScript

In the previous article Drawing in Flash with ActionScript, I introduced you to the drawing API in Flash. We looked at how you could create simple shapes like squares, circles and ellipses using ActionScript 1.0. We created an empty movie clip to hold the shapes and used code to change the line style and fills.

The drawing API is more useful if you create functions that you can reuse throughout your Flash movies. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create reusable functions to draw squares, rectangles, triangles, circles and ellipses. We’ll finish by creating new movie clip methods so you can draw shapes over and over again by including an external ActionScript file.

We’ll create functions to draw a:

  • Square
  • Rectangle
  • Diamond
  • Triangle
  • Circle
  • Ellipse

At the end of the tutorial, we’ll convert these to methods of the MovieClip in an ActionScript file.

As with the previous article, I’ve used ActionScript 1.0 for the examples in the tutorial so you’ll need at least Flash MX to complete the exercises here. Again, I’ve assumed that you’ve got some experience in working with ActionScript and that you know how to add code to the Actions panel.

You can download the finished files from the blue Properties box that contains the article PDF. There's a heading titled Code Download and you can click the Details link next to it to get the zip file containing all of the samples.

Note: If you have difficulties downloading the source files or PDF, you might have a problem with your cookies. Delete the cookies from your machine and try again. In Internet Explorer, you can do this by choosing Tools > Internet Options... and clicking the Delete Cookies... button on the General tab.

We’ll start by writing a function to create a perfect square.

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Interface Widgets: Advanced Buttons and Navigation Bar (Part II)


This article is the second iteration of the two-part Interface Widgets series on building web interfaces using HTML button element (<button> tag) in conjunction with CSS.  

Today based on the knowledge acquired in the previous article we will build a button-based navigation bar for a fictitious web application. Using the power of CSS and Dreamweaver design tools we will quickly create button rollovers, navigation dropdown menus with a search-box and navigation sub-items.

We will also apply two “skins” –two Cascading Stylesheet files to control the appearance of our navigation bar. While working on the design we will aim for a desktop-based application type of a look. The first skin will apply the classic Windows 98 style, while the second one will have a modern Microsoft Office XP theme.

As a result of this exercise we will build an interface similar to the screenshots below:

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Free! - Flash Album Generator the movie

About Flash Album generator
Have you ever had the need to whip up a very fast image gallery? Not only fast but a bit flashy as well? The newest extension released by DMXzone allows you to do both. Flash Album Generator is the type of album that keeps you on the same page--no moving from page to page to see each image.

Everything is all right there. In this tutorial I'll show you how incredibly easy it is to build an album. Then I'll show you how you can jazz it up and make it even cooler.

Watch the Movie now!

This video tutorial is all about our latest extension Flash Album Generator the video is diveded into three parts;

» Part 1: Generating the album This video shows you how to startup your extension and how to create your own photo album (turn on your speakers).» Part 2: Editing your album Joyce shows you how you edit the properties of the photo album using the property inspector of Dreamweaver.

» Part3: Styling your album The final movie shows you how to enhance your photo album using Fireworks.

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Free! - Separate text-only version? No thanks!

In an attempt to make their sites accessible to all, more and more websites are now offering text-only versions of their sites. With the huge number of inaccessible websites out there, any attempt to make a website accessible to one and all is highly commendable.

But is text-only the way forward? The W3C have this to say about alternative accessible sites:

And if all else fails... If, after best efforts, you cannot create an accessible page, provide a link to an alternative page.

Hmmm... so according to the W3C a separate accessible site is OK, but they do use some pretty strong language to suggest that this should be avoided wherever possible. They're probably right too, given the disadvantages of going down the text-only route:


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An Audio/Video messaging application with Flash MX 2004 & Flash Communication Server-Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • A summary from the previous article
  • Sending the E-mail – Working with Flash
  • Sending the E-mail – Working with PHP
  • Displaying the received message to receiver – Working with Flash
  • Displaying the received message to receiver – Working with PHP
  • Conclusion


In first episode of this article, we created an application that enables us to record our Audio/Video message using Macromedia Flash Communication server.  In this second and final episode of this two-article series, we will send that recorded message to the receiver, in addition to this; we will also create a flash movie that will display the received message to the receiver.

I have divided the whole process in four main areas:

1)       Send the information of the message, message receiver & message sender, to the server-side language (i.e. PHP in our case).

2)       Write a script in PHP that can receive information from the flash movie & can send a detailed e-mail to the desired person in accordance with the information provided to it.

3)       Create a flash movie that will receive information about the video message from the server-side language & will show that message to the receiver.

4)       Write a PHP script that will be used to display the video message to the mail receiver & this script will also provide some information to the flash movie that is responsible to display the received message.

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Quotes, Citation and CSS

Everybody likes a good quote, whether it be a monologue from Hamlet or a particularly pithy piece of your own work.

From a design point of view, quotes are a handy for breaking up your web content and highlighting useful parts of our document. They are essential for any webpage that is using material quoted from elsewhere, such as a weblog. Fortunately (X)HTML provides a number of tags to help mark-up our quoted content correctly.

In this tutorial we're going to look at quotes, and how you can use the correct markup for them in (X)HTML, and how you can style this markup with CSS so that it's semantically valid AND nice to look at.

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Working with the Event Listener

When the DOM came into prominence and DHTML became a viable web technology we seemed to gain a lot of new tools. The great thing about a lot of the new tools is that they are very useful. The downside is that some of them force you to delve a little deeper into JavaScript and maybe learn something new. In other words, you have to step outside your comfort zone. Trust me, this is a good thing!

The event listener was added when the W3C event model was introduced. But first let’s make sure we know what an event is – what indeed is an event? Someone once said “without events there are no scripts” and that is pretty much correct. Take a look at your scripts and HTML pages and you’ll notice that in order to run your functions, you are triggering them via events.

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Free! - Web usability: The basics

What is web usability & why is it important?

Web usability is about making your website in such a way that your site users can find what they're looking for quickly and efficiently. A usable website can reap huge benefits on to your website and your business.

  • Every £1 invested in making your website easy-to-use returns £10 to £100 (source: IBM)
  • A usability redesign can increase the sales/conversion rate by 100% (source: Jakob Nielson)
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