An Audio/Video messaging application with Flash MX 2004 & Flash Communication Server-Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • A summary from the previous article
  • Sending the E-mail – Working with Flash
  • Sending the E-mail – Working with PHP
  • Displaying the received message to receiver – Working with Flash
  • Displaying the received message to receiver – Working with PHP
  • Conclusion


In first episode of this article, we created an application that enables us to record our Audio/Video message using Macromedia Flash Communication server.  In this second and final episode of this two-article series, we will send that recorded message to the receiver, in addition to this; we will also create a flash movie that will display the received message to the receiver.

I have divided the whole process in four main areas:

1)       Send the information of the message, message receiver & message sender, to the server-side language (i.e. PHP in our case).

2)       Write a script in PHP that can receive information from the flash movie & can send a detailed e-mail to the desired person in accordance with the information provided to it.

3)       Create a flash movie that will receive information about the video message from the server-side language & will show that message to the receiver.

4)       Write a PHP script that will be used to display the video message to the mail receiver & this script will also provide some information to the flash movie that is responsible to display the received message.

- OR -


In first episode, we created a flash movie called MessageSender.fla. This flash movie can record Audio/Video message with a unique ID, that movie also allowed us to preview the recorded clip. Here is a screen shot of that movie.

In last part, although we were able to record our messages but we can’t send them to the desired users. Now we are going to add this functionality as well.

Sending the E-mail – Working with Flash:

If you followed the first part, then I hope you have the source files of that article. Either open the MessageSender.fla file from the Files_Completed folder from the source files that were provided with last article or if you have created to your own file according to the instructions provided in the previous article, then open your finished file.


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