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Advanced Unit Testing Techniques in JavaScript

In this tutorial, Guido Kessels will introduce you to some of the more advanced techniques available to you. As this tutorial will cover some advanced topics, he assumes you’ve already created unit tests before and are familiar with the basics and its terminology. We’ll be using SinonJS. This is a standalone framework which provides an API for mocks, stubs, spies and more. You can use it with any testing framework of your choosing, but for this tutorial, we’ll be using BusterJS, as it ships with SinonJS built-in.

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Creating a Multi-Page Site with Meteor

As with any web application, creating multi-page sites requires a specialized set of tools. In this article, we’ll take a look at developing a library that not only can differentiate between the different URIs, but one that takes advantage of Meteor’s core features.

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Cargo-Culting in JavaScript

Cargo-cult programming is what a programmer does when he or she doesn't know a particular language or paradigm well enough, and so ends up writing redundant and possibly harmful code. It rears its head quite often in the land of JavaScript. In this article, James Padolsey explores the concept of cargo-cult programming and places to watch out for it in JavaScript.

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Real Time Chat With NodeJS, Socket.io and ExpressJS

NodeJS gives Krasimir Tsonev ability to write back-end code in one of his favorite languages: JavaScript. It's the perfect technology for building real time applications. In this tutorial, he'll show you how to build a web chat application, using ExpressJS and Socket.io.

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Getting Into Ember: Part 4

In his previous tutorial, Rey Bango touched on how to use Ember.Object to define your models and work with datasets. In this section, we’ll look more closely at how Ember uses the Handlebars templating framework to define your app's user interface. Most server-side developers are used to using templates to define markup that will be dynamically filled on the fly. If you've ever used ASP.NET, ColdFusion, PHP or Rails then it's pretty much assured you know what he's talking about.

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Meet the Connect Framework

Newcomers to NodeJS typically find its API difficult to grasp. Luckily, many developers have created frameworks that make it easier to work with Node. Connect is one such framework. It sits on top of Node’s API and draws the line between comfort and control. Think of Connect as a stack of middleware. With every request, Connect filters through the layers of middleware, each having the opportunity to process the HTTP request. When T.J. Holowaychuk announced Connect, he said there were two types of middleware. The first is a filter.

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Getting Into Ember.js: Part 3

Rey Bango hopes that you’re starting to see that Ember.js is a powerful, yet opinionated, framework. We’ve only scratched its surface; there’s more to learn before we can build something truly useful! We’ll continue using the Ember Starter Kit. In this portion of the series, we’ll review accessing and managing data within Ember.

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A Simple JavaScript Plugin for Responsive Navigation

There are several ways to make navigation responsive, and usually the solution we need is quite straightforward. But despite the apparent simplicity, there are many underlying factors which, when thought through and implemented properly, can make a simple solution even better without adding more complexity to the user interface.

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Getting into Ember.js: The Next Steps

In his introductory article, Rey Bango went over the basics of the Ember.js framework, and the foundational concepts for building an Ember application. In this follow-up article, we’ll dive deeper into specific areas of the framework to understand how many of the features work together to abstract the complexities of single-page application development.

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Building Windows Store Applications With jQuery 2.0

With the release of Windows 8, Microsoft introduced Windows Store applications, which can be authored using traditional web languages that leverage the underlying engines powering Internet Explorer 10. This means that jQuery 2.0, engineered to work best in modern browsers, is right at home in a Windows Store application!

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