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Explore the FAQs

Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

File name displayed after upload

Is it possible for the ASP file to display the file name of the file uploaded, after the upload is done? What I'm looking for is a user uploads a file, then a second page or results page would display the filename of the file uploaded, also file size would be nice. Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Image size restriction don't work ....

with NN 4.0.

When I select an image file (.jpg) with width and height limits set in PureASP Upload 2.09 in Netscape 4.0, the file is always uploaded, even if the dimension limit is exceeded.

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Pure ASP Upload Add-On Pack

Use form fields in the mail body

I have made a form with the Pure ASP Upload feature and I want de values entered in the form (email and name of sender for example) to be added in the mail body. So the mail gets personalized.
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Pure ASP Upload Add-On Pack

Use form fields as From name and Email

I have made a form with the Pure ASP Upload feature and I want de values entered in the form (email and name of sender for example) to be added in the mail upload feature. The inserted email adres of the sender must be in de "from Email' field and the name of the sender in the "from name" field. How can i do this ? Read More
Pure ASP Upload Add-On Pack

On File DELETE, my ASP page tends to "hang" and report time-out

When using the file delete feature from the AddOn pack, my ASP page tends to "hang" and/or report time-out errors. Read More
Pure ASP Upload Add-On Pack

Dynamic upload renaming

I am applying my upload script and I want to be able to tag the LastIdent value onto the front of my file name (from insert with ident extension), but I am having a hard time figuring out how to put that information in. Heres the line in particular:

RUF_renameMask = "<%=LastIdent%>##name##.##ext##"

So how would I keep the filename and extension, but put this sort of dynamic information in it?

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Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

ADO not supported on server


My hosts tell me :

"ADO cannot be supported on our servers - the only driver for MySQL->iASP is the JDBC driver"

Does this mean I cannot use PureASPuploader?

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Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

What instead Request.Form when getting a BinaryRead error?


I know I read somewhere I couldn't use Request.Form in front of the pureasp extension (and that's why I'm now getting this error:

"Cannot call BinaryRead after using Request.Form collection"

but I don't remember what to replace it with?

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Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

MySQL Compatability

Is ASPupload compatable with using MySQl database? Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Upload to Different Folders


How can I use the extension to upload files in different folders. The extension is on a side with a product (after insert with id (session)). One field is a catecory field (with a number for the catecory). How can I use this number for the upload folder? Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Inserting a default Image


I want to insert a default image path when the user does not specify an image to be uploaded. In my Access database I defined a default value corresponding to this image path, but I found out that the ASP upoad behavior overwrites the default value with blanks every time the user does not specify a file path. How can I overcome this situaton? Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Associate uploaded file with record?

I've built a headhunter database in SQL with a web front end (Dreamweaver UltraDev4/Fireworks4). I've had a horrible time trying to get the upload function working for candidate's resumes. I'm thinking of purchasing the Pure ASP Uploader, though want to know whether it will be able to resolve my issue - When an individual's contact info is entered (Basic form insering the data into the SQL database), I would like to have an "upload resume" option at the bottom of the form. I want the resumes to be stored in a physical folder outside the root, but when that candidate's contact info is viewed at a later time, I would like there to be a link to that individual's resume. Is this possible with Pure ASP Uploader? Read More
Insert Record With Identity

Automatically set a session variable with the new record ID

Make this slight modification to an already great extension to place the just inserted record ID in to a session variable called NewID.  Then, you can reference the NewID in a new recordset. (There may be a better way to do this but it worked great for me using UD4 and SQL Server 7.0!) Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Compatible with old version?


Is this version compatible with the previous Pure ASP Upload? I've already have a few things developed with it that I need to make some changes to. Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Other display when no upload


One question, in making a file upload optional, when someone decides not to upload a file, is there a way to make the display page appear without that
broken gif image? Maybe with words that say, "image not provided" - something like that.... Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Store filename in a session variable


How can I store the filename of the uploaded file in a session variable?

I simply want the files to be uploaded and filenames stored in session variables, no need to insert in a database table.

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Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Error: Type incompatible: 'CSng'


I got the following error:

Erreur d'exécution Microsoft VBScript (0x800A000D)
Type incompatible: 'CSng'
/cheval/ScriptLibrary/incPureUpload.asp, line 26

Type de navigateur :
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)

Page :
POST 921 bytes to /cheval/bdd/root/circuit_ajout.asp

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Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Using the Progress Bar in conjunction with the 'Form Button Feaver' Extension

Is there a way of getting the Progress Bar to display while also using the 'Form Button Feaver' Extension, as when this extension is used to send the form the Progress Bar does not display.

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Pure ASP Upload 1

Can I use this EXT without ultraDev


I am ASP developer by hand coding.  I would like use use this EXT for my project, but I don't have Ultra DEV.  I like this EXT since no need component at all.  But how can I extract this EXT to individual ASP file & using into my project without Ultra DEV. Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Can You Change The Filename On The Fly?


Is there any way to change the name of the file being uploaded on the server without using JavaScript on the filefield prior to the submit? Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Check Form not Working

I'm using the yaromat check form extension and when i add an asp pure upload, it checks the form but if there's an error, I can see it but the asp pure upload makes still the insert and even if I didn't choose a file to upload (and disable the "File required")... any idea what to do or what I'm doing wrong? Read More
Pure ASP Upload 1

Empty row in DB -table

When doing exactly as you tell in the tutorial I get the file uploaded but in the database an emty row is inserted. It gets its ID but no columns are filled. Whats up whith that? Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Limiting File Size

Is there a way to limit the size of a file on upload?  I don't want users uploading a 2 Gig file to my web host. Even better, is there a way to limit image size to say 300X300 if using ASPUpload to upload images? Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Different Display when no upload


In making a file upload optional, when someone decides not to upload a file, is there a way to make the display page appear without that broken gif image? Maybe with words that say, "image not provided" - something like that....

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Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Pure ASPupload - saving form input values to cookies, sessions....

How do you save the form input from a Pure ASPupload page into cookies, session variables or any other container? Read More
Pure ASP Upload 1

Can't apply extension?!


Whenever I try to apply the extension (i.e. press OK), I get a "ding" sound from UltraDev, the extension popup closes but the extension is NOT applied to the page!!  This is very annoying, because ultradev won't even give me a reason why it's not working..  anyone has a solution? Read More
Pure ASP Upload 1

File Downloading


PLEASE HELP !!!  How to download files from a form ?  We have been using ASPUpload to upload files, but what about downloading of uploaded files ?? Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

ASP Upload - Dictionary Error


I'm getting this error:

ActiveX component can't create object: 'Scripting.Dictionary'
/download/default.asp, line 126

I cannot figure it out, why it gives this error.. is it due to the fact something has to be installed at the webserver?? (It is IIS 4.0 and ADO 2.6)

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Pure ASP Upload 1

ASP upload on Unix/Linux Servers


Is it possible to use this behaviour on a remote ISP Apache server running chillisoftASP..? Obviously the security issues are greater and I have no control over access rights per se. Read More
Pure ASP Upload 1

Using Pure ASP Upload


I am new to Installing new Server Behaviors.  How do you install the new PureASPUpload Extension in UltraDev?  I would like to use UltraDev to upload the file and to insert other fields into the table but I cannot get the extension installed.  Do I paste the whole upload.asp file in the space when it asks for a block of code?  I need guidance.

Thanks in advance!

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