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These FAQ's are all about Server-Side Scripting and Web Applications. Server-Side Programming describes any code/software/scripts that are executed by the web server. This category contains ASP, ...
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Explore the FAQs

File Genie

Thumbnails do not display


I am using File Genie to display thumbnails on my page, but all I am seeing are X's. Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Can I upload to multiple directories?


Is it possible to submit two files (i.e. one image and one zip) and have them go into different directories? Read More
Smart Image Processor ASP

Do I need a server component?


Is Smart Image Processor pure code or do I need a server component? Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

JavaScript and VBScript in one page?


I want to use Pure ASP Upload. But I see this is written in VBScript. My site is written in JavaScript.

Can I use both scripting languages in one page?

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Advanced Open Window

Title in new window


When using Advanced Open Window 3 to create a popup window there is always the title that says Web Page Dialog.

How can I change that?

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Smart Image Processor ASP

Dynamic folder with SIP


Smart Image Processor works with a static folder, but it doesn't seem to accept a dynamic path.
Pure ASP Upload will accept the dynamic path.


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Insert Record With Identity

MX Javascript error


How can I get the Insert Record with Ident extension to work with Dreamweaver mx? Read More
Advanced Open Window

Dynamic Slide Show


Can I create a slideshow with images pulled from a database? Read More
Advanced Open Window

Advanced Open Window 3 and Coldfusion


Can I use Advanced Open Window 3 with Coldfusion's database feature? Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Download file after uploading


Does Pure ASP Upload allow someone to build a page for the users to view and download files in a particular directory? Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Can I set a default file to be uploaded?


How can I set a default file name to be uploaded? The user will always be uploading a file that is the same on every computer. Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Upload files to a file server


I need to be able to upload files to a file server, but everytime I specify the path using unc path I get an asp error that it does not recognize the command.  Read More
Smart Image Processor ASP

Larger image from thumbnail


I have a page with thumbnails. Now I would like the user to be able to click on the thumbnail to view a larger image of that thumbnail in a popup window. Read More
Smart Image Processor ASP

Display Thumbnails in columns


I would like to display the thumbnails in a table with rows and columns. Is there an easy way to do this? Read More
Smart Image Processor ASP

Delete thumbnails?


I have the Pure ASP Upload Add-on Pack that let's me delete files. How can I delete thumbnails? Read More
Smart Image Processor ASP

Images saved as jpeg


Why are the images that are resized saved as jpeg? Read More
Smart Image Processor ASP

What Server Component?


What Server Component do I need for the Smart Image Processor extension? Read More
Advanced Open Window

Form submit from popup window


I have created a form that opens in a popup window just as it should, but when you submit the form, and go to a confirmation page, it opens another browser window, full screen. Read More
Advanced Open Window

Open popup on page load


How do I create a popup window that opens when the page loads? Read More
Advanced Open Window

Maximize button is greyed out


Why is the maximize button greyed out when using Advanced Open Window? Read More
Sales Questions

Will I still be eligible to download an extension I purchased after I loose it?


When I purchase an extension, download it and loose it somehow, will I still be eligible to download it? Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Error has occured saving uploaded file


Getting this error message on the live version of the site, when I try to upload the image. The image is not uploading and the form is not submitting to the database. The asp upload works correctly on our test server. Any ideas to sort this problem. Both servers are running on NT.

'An error has occured saving uploaded file!
Filename: /aroundalone/admin/diary/images/generic_1.jpg
Maybe the destination directory does not exist, or you don't have write permission.
Please correct and try again'

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Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Pure ASP Upload for Mac question?


I have developed a site where users can upload images using Pure ASP Upload 3.XX.
Mac users cannot seem to upload, it just stops, what can I do? 

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Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Does Pure Asp Upload work with https (SSL)?

Does Pure ASP Upload work with https (SSL)? Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Pure ASP Upload: ActiveX component can't create object


A file upload problem. Here is the error I get:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'
ActiveX component can't create object: 'Scripting.FileSystemObject'

What do I need to do?

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Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Redirect after upload and pass the filename

I'm trying to pass the filename to the second page, but I can't get it to work. Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Multiple File Upload

I want to upload more than one file at once if possible.  Can I do this with Pure ASP Upload, or do you have an alternative extension that would allow me to do this? Read More
Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

When reapplying template page, javascripts are deleted

When reapplying template on a page containing PureASPUpload 2.09, the Javascripts that do the checking are deleted from the page.

This happens although I located them in a section that allows editing.

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Pure ASP Upload 2 & 3

Image Path?


The filename inserted into access has no path ants.jpg gets uploaded to images/ants.jpg, but the entry in my access database is ants.jpg.

When i try to show any of these on a page, i get a broken link because the image cant be found. Read More
Pure ASP Upload Add-On Pack

Rename Without Insert

I have Pure ASP Upload and then Rename After Upload extension. I don't use Insert Record Server Behavior - the rename does not work. Read More
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