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Server Side

Cascade Record & Image Deletes

This tutorial is the third of a three part series on image delete options. Unlike the other two tutorials we will be not working with George Petrov's Pure ASP upload behavior on this page. Instead we will look at how to remove related records and the images associated with them when deleting a master record. By controlling orphaned records we keep the database tables clean and our applications run faster with fewer resources consumed. It only makes sense to remove images associated with the deleted records as well, again conserving server resources. Read More
Server Side

ASP Error Messages

This tutorial from Stuart Dickerson explains very nicely how to get detailed asp errors instead of just:

Error 500: Internal Server Error

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Server Side

Delete file and update the column (without deleting the whole record)

Update your column field after deleting the relative file without actually deleting the whole record. Very useful if you want users to be able to update JUST ONE picture in their profiles and have to delete the old picture before uploading a new one. You can also use it to update an image for a product or whatever you want to update without the whole deletion of a record. Read More
Server Side

Delete Multiple Records Using Checkboxes...

This is a short tutorial describing ONE method of deleting multiple records from a database simultaneously, which you will specify using checkboxes.

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Server Side

Dynamic Dropdown Lists

Learn how to dynamically populate a dropdown list from the selection made in another dropdown list. This can be done straight from Ultradev without even having to go into the source.

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Server Side

Retrieving Unique ID after Insert with SQL Server 2000

This tutorial addresses the commonly asked question of how to Insert a record and then retrieve the newly created Unique ID for use on subsequent pages. The author recognises that this can easily be achieved with other extensions whilst using MS Access but this tutorial applies primarily to developers who are using MS SQL Server 2000. Thanks are due to George Petrov who wrote the original Extension. Read More
Server Side

Upload files with Coldfusion

Learn how to upload files from a web browser to your server. Read More
Server Side

ASP Component Test

A simple ASP Script test to see if 171+ different server components are installed for you to use on your server. Links to the developer's websites are included as well as additional information for installed COMs such as version information, DLL name, path, and more. All components are cartegorized and can be sorted.

Some hosts will allow members to install custom server components for a fee. Now you can see just what is installed and available for you to use. Unfortunately this script does not check to ensure the component is configured properly, but you can test this by creating a simple script that uses that component and testing it.

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Server Side

Insert, Delete, Update on same page

This tutorial explains how to have Insert, Delete and Update actions on a single page. The reason I created this was because I did not want to create various forms for certain tasks.
Instead of using three forms or three pages here is a one page solution that works well for what I wanted to do.

The form posts to itself picking up the hidden value and performs the action. 
I also added a function to deal with single quotes.

This tutorial assumes you have limited knowledge of handcoding.
It utilises UD's connection string, it's also based on frames.

I will be updating this tutorial in the next couple of weeks.
But download files from the link below.

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Server Side

Alternate Row MouseOver Color

This tutorial will show you how to use CSS/JS/VB in combination with a repeated region to make your view dynamic even more. Read More
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