ASP Component Test

A simple ASP Script test to see if 171+ different server components are installed for you to use on your server. Links to the developer's websites are included as well as additional information for installed COMs such as version information, DLL name, path, and more. All components are cartegorized and can be sorted.

Some hosts will allow members to install custom server components for a fee. Now you can see just what is installed and available for you to use. Unfortunately this script does not check to ensure the component is configured properly, but you can test this by creating a simple script that uses that component and testing it.


Make an extension for this?

July 26, 2001 by Waldo Smeets
Very nice script. I saw that someone on the exchange made an extension for this so that people could put the code to their own pages. Ever considered that?

RE: Make an extension for this?

July 26, 2001 by James Harris
Hmm... didn't know of an extension for that! I haven't gotten into making UD/DW extensions yet but I had hoped to do that sometime in the near future. Will keep that in mind as soon as I do learn how to do it!

Use the Server Behavior Builder

July 26, 2001 by Waldo Smeets
I think that it is very easy to do when you use the server behavior buillder. Have a look at how it works (documentation in the help files that come with dreamweaver ultradev, and on and feel free to post in our extension developer forum when you have any questions.

RE: Use the Server Behavior Builder

July 26, 2001 by James Harris
Will start on that this weekend. Thanks Waldo!
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