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A Customer Ticket System

In this article I will explain how to create a Customer Ticket System using Dreamweaver, PHP and MySQL. I’m assuming you have already installed Apache, PHP and MySQL Server on your machine – if you haven’t, use this tutorial where I’m explaining how to install it all: http://www.sebastiansulinski.co.uk/web_design_tutorials/web_server/installing_apache_php_mysql_a.php

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Viewing RSS Feeds in ASP.NET 2.0

In this video tutorial Kevin shows you how you can quickly and easily configure an aspx page to display the contents of an RSS feed from anywhere on the internet in a nice CSS styled format.

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Creating a Simple Data-Driven GridView in ASP.NET

In this video tutorial Kevin shows you just how easy it is to create a simple web application that is capable of reading data from a custom created SQL database and present that data in a GridView control.

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Free - Adding an email form with Smart Mailer PHP

In this video tutorial Richard shows you how to use Smart Mailer PHP to quickly and easily add a contact form to a web page. This email form allows your visitors to write their comments on your website and then send them right to your email with a single click.

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Creating a GridView with associated DetailsView in ASP.NET

In this video tutorial Kevin shows you how to implement an application that connects to the sample Northwind SQL database and displays data from a pre-defined view. The sample GridView will let you sort by any column both ascending and descending, you can select a row and view the corresponding product information in the DetailsView control, and you can also page through the records.

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Create a Drag/Drop Expandable Menu with ASP.NET Ajax

How to use the ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit library to create a menu that is expandable and collapsible and can be dragged around the page.

The ability to integrate Ajax functionality into web applications has brought about revolutionary changes in the presentation of common user interface elements. Nearly every web application follow the same basic structure and pattern of presentation with navigation menus, an area for content, possibly a footer and various ways of selecting and viewing data.

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How to Animate a GridView with Ajax in ASP.NET 2.0

How to use the ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit to animate a fade out/fade in effect on a DataGrid control in ASP.NET 2.0

As the internet continues to evolve each day new websites are appearing more and more that are able to look and behave like desktop applications. The web development technologies available today are extremely robust and flexible, and capable of creating very impressive user interfaces.

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Free - Adding an email form with Smart Mailer ASP

In this video tutorial Richard shows you how to use Smart Mailer ASP to add a simple email form on your website. This email form allows your visitors to write their comments on your website and then send them right to your email with a single click.

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Free! - How to build a PHP Search Engine

Introduction or a tale of how easy a search engine could work

Five years ago your site may have had five or six pages. However, over the time it has grown and one day you wake up with 2 GB of content, more than a thousand links and no way to sort them by relevance. You need a way for you and your visitors to get information about your services and products faster. A search engine could help you and your site visitors find that precious piece of information on your extensively growing site.

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Working with Validation Controls in ASP.NET – Part 2

How to integrate the suite of Validation controls in ASP.NET 1.x and 2.0 web applications

Welcome to the second and final part of this two part series regarding how to implement the suite of validation controls available in ASP.NET. During Working with Validation Controls in ASP.NET Part 2 we will expand upon the sample application we began building during Part 1 and finish examining the remaining controls available for validation.

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Working with Validation Controls in ASP.NET – Part 1

How to integrate the suite of Validation controls in ASP.NET 1.x and 2.0 web applications

When the .NET framework 1.0 was released a few years ago it introduced a revolutionary new way of developing server/client web applications. ASP.NET as a technology now included several key features to ease the development of web applications.

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WebParts for Beginners in ASP.NET 2.0 – Part 2

How to implement WebParts in ASP.NET using a data-driven sample web application.

Welcome to the second and final part of this two part series regarding building WebParts in ASP.NET 2.0. During WebParts for Beginners in ASP.NET 2.0 Part 1 we began implementing a sample ASP.NET application that utilized some data driven UI controls to populate WebParts on a web form.

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