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Free! - How to generate bar codes in your application

This video tutorial  shows you how  to generate bar code images in PHP from recordsets.


Today we'll show you how to generate bar codes in your application.   Our client just got a new hand held scanner and would like bar codes on the bottom of all receipts.   In our real world demo we'll put a bar code on the bottom of a sales receipts. This bar code get's its value for the order details recordset.  

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Server-side validation with PHP


In the previous article Hacking around with JavaScript we have looked at some techniques that can be used to bypass client-side (JavaScript) validation.  Although beneficial, client-side validation is not that reliable and should be utilized more as a usability rather than security feature. Having one in place does not eliminate the need for the server-side validation.

For the purpose of this article we will set up a simple MySQL table to store user registration data, design a user registration form and write some PHP code to validate user’s input.

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Implementing a Uniform IsNull Pattern

Implementing a Uniform IsNull Pattern

One of the more confusing aspects of the .NET framework is the multiple empty or NULL values an intrinsic object type can contain. To compound the confusion there are also differences between the way VB.NET and C# handle NULL references.

It’s important to understand all of the built-in object types and their initial values upon declaration. For example, Integer and Date types never contain Null values.

Tip: Integer variables will always contain 0 upon declaration; DateTime object types will always contain 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM upon declaration.

In this tutorial we will examine these default types in VB.NET and implement an object oriented Utilities class to handle the data types and their default values, allowing for a much more clean error checking pattern in your code-behind classes or class libraries.

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Free! - How to list your Coppermine Photo Albums on your webpage

This video tutorial shows you how to list your Coppermine Photo Albums on your webpage with Dreamweaver MX 2004. Read More

Co-o-old Fusion, Baby!

This article, that is part of the Dreamweaver 8 e-book, continues our walk through the Application realm of Dreamweaver 8 with a look at the integration available in the new upgrade for Macromedia’s own server model, Cold Fusion.   When the fabulous Cold Fusion Server Model 7 was released early this year, it packed a lot of power and gave developers a lot to think about in terms of what they could do, but not necessarily how to do it, unless they wanted to hand code. 

Dreamweaver 8 has taken care of that by integrating a previously semi-satisfactory set of extensions into the core product and making them not only work, but work well.  It has also given us a whole new toolbar for Cold Fusion forms that changes depending on whether the server model is Cold Fusion 6 or Cold Fusion 7. 

And finally, Dreamweaver 8 has so much functionality packed into it for the Cold Fusion developer that there is almost no reason to visit the Cold Fusion Administrator, at least not regularly.  In fact in the preparation of this article, I did not leave the Dreamweaver program to access the Administrator even once.  It’s all right here in Dreamweaver at your fingertips.

Come on .. have a look.  Who knows?  If you don’t do Cold Fusion today, perhaps you will be doing Cold Fusion tomorrow!  I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised!

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Creating a ColdFusion components in Dreamweaver

One of the questions that we hear a lot is, “How do I use CFC’s? Everybody talks about it, but how does it work?”

This tutorial contains a movie on how to create ColdFusion components by using the CFC panel in Dreamweaver. Michael van Leest explains how to do this in the “Object Orientated” way.

First Michael creates a CFC with Dreamweaver and modifies it so it contains 3 methods (functions):

  1. getGreeting
  2. setName
  3. setGreeting

The component will also contain 2 variables that can be used and manipulated by all 3 functions.

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Free! - Prevent robots from submitting forms

Ever wanted to protect your forms from spam robots?
This video tutorial from DMXtutorials.com shows you how to do it!

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How to validate forms with VBScript Part 2


As discussed in Part 1 of How to validate forms with VBScript, this second article we will look at the validation of specific data.

Very often, just ensuring that a form field is populated is not enough, the data being entered is specific (Phone numbers, credit card numbers, email addresses etc) and we can use VBScript to ensure the data entered is what we want.

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A File Browser Application with AJAX and PHP

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a hot topic at the moment in web circles. In this tutorial, we'll take the basic principles from my earlier tutorial on XMLHttpRequest (the core of AJAX) and build an example application.

We'll use a combination of PHP, XML and JavaScript to build a file browser, allowing users to quickly browse for files to download. We'll code it in such a way that it can work with or without JavaScript and compare the two different ways of interacting with the server.

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Free! - Thumbnail and watermark images on the fly with ASP.NET

This is a very easy and effective way to display watermarked and thumbnailed images from a folder on your server. It is based on an original piece of code from 4 Guys at Rolla, with image quality interpolation and watermarking added.

Download the watermarked_thumbnail.aspx file and stick it on your server.

Change the strWatermark text to whatever text you want. This measures the text length for positioning in the image.

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Coldfusion MX (7), Multiple Update Delete Functionality

Click click click click click…. AAAHH! The clicking madness

One of the common user friendly functionality is the ability to update and/or delete multiple records at the same time. This has benefits for the user because it is much easier to maintain data and the user doesn’t need to click hundreds of times to do the same with 1 click. But also the traffic of your database and web server goes down enormously and in the end it will benefit your application. So if you want to make your customer happy, this is the way to go if you need to update records frequently.

In this article we’re going to build a “restaurant menu manager”. With this manager you can insert dishes, put them in a specific dish type and set the display order of the individual dishes within a dish type.

Sounds complicated huh?! If you’re not familiar with Coldfusion, it could be, if you are familiar, it isn’t.

So take a look at the prerequisites

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Free! - PHP and CSS: random images and CSS positioning

Until recently I was unaware of the power of CSS and Its ability to integrate with other languages. I always thought that styles were static and had to be coded into the style sheet.

It was with a visit to A List Apart when I stumbled across a PHP article about Random Images by Dan Benjamin. As I’m only a newcomer to PHP, I was interested enough to read on and found it to be a great article & script. Another blog style site Relatively Absolute  is a perfect working example of the Image rotation script as it uses one for generating random header images much like the ones I’m going to be demonstrating here. In fact Absolutely Relative inspired me to write this article because I liked the transparency illusion so much. 

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