Coldfusion MX (7), Multiple Update Delete Functionality

Click click click click click…. AAAHH! The clicking madness

One of the common user friendly functionality is the ability to update and/or delete multiple records at the same time. This has benefits for the user because it is much easier to maintain data and the user doesn’t need to click hundreds of times to do the same with 1 click. But also the traffic of your database and web server goes down enormously and in the end it will benefit your application. So if you want to make your customer happy, this is the way to go if you need to update records frequently.

In this article we’re going to build a “restaurant menu manager”. With this manager you can insert dishes, put them in a specific dish type and set the display order of the individual dishes within a dish type.

Sounds complicated huh?! If you’re not familiar with Coldfusion, it could be, if you are familiar, it isn’t.

So take a look at the prerequisites

- OR -


Requirements & Basic Setup

  • Knowledge of using queries, loops, forms and basic usage of CFC’s
  • Coldfusion MX or Coldfusion MX 7 (I use Coldfusion MX 7 in this article)
  • Dreamweaver MX 2004 (or any other code editor you prefer)
  • MS Access 2000 (to view the changes or edit data manually, not necessary)
  • Place a map called “cfmultiple” in the root of your webserver (i.e. C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cfmultiple)
  • Expand the zip in the “cfmultiple” folder

Setting up the Coldfusion Part

  • Login to your Coldfusion administrator and create a new “Access datasource
  • (i.e. http://localhost/cfide/administrator  > Data Sources)
  • Name the DSN “mainmenu”
  • Select the “restaurant.mdb” database file in the “db” folder ({webroot}/CFFLASH/db)
  • Close the administrator      

Michael van Leest

Michael van LeestI'm a Coldfusion an Flex developer

Certified Macromedia Coldfusion MX 7 developer
Certified Macromedia Coldfusion MX developer
Certified BrainBench Coldfusion MX developer
Certified Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 developer
Certified Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 developer

If you have any questions or problems with Coldfusion/Dreamweaver/Flex... Mail me and I'll see what I can do for you.

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