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HTML5 and the Wizard of Oz

This comic portrays Kyle Weems misgivings about HTML5 through the lens of L. Frank Baum, imagining a world where Chris Wilson, Manu Sporny and John Foliot were his companions through a standards-creating journey roadblocked by a guy in a purple coat with a big curtain.

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New iPhone 3.0 OS Available

A revised operating system for Apple's iPhone is now available, adding functionality such as system-wide search and cut-and-paste to the popular handset.

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Universal Form Validator ASP Released!

Today, DMXzone released the Super Powerful Validation to your forms in Dreamweaver called Universal Form Validator! The user input is validated both client as well as server side - so there is no escape! You can choose from many predefined validation rules, conditional validation and even Ajax style inline validation! The validation errors and hints can be displayed in great tooltips and input masking can be applied. All fully customizable to your layout and needs!

Check out the product page for more details, videos and demos!

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HTML 5 - The New Flash and Silverlight Killer?

HTML 5, a groundbreaking upgrade to the prominent Web presentation specification, could become a game-changer in Web application development, one that might even make obsolete such plug-in-based rich Internet application (RIA) technologies as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and Sun JavaFX.

The W3C HTML 5 proposal is geared toward Web applications, something not adequately addressed in previous incarnations of HTML, the W3C acknowledges. In other words, HTML 5 tackles the gap that Flash, Silverlight, and JavaFX are trying to fill.

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Opera Unite Offers P2P in the Browser with a Service Model

In a nutshell, Opera Unite is a collaborative technology that uses a compact server inside the Opera desktop browser to share data and services. You can write applications — in the form of Opera Unite Services — that use this server to serve content to other Web users. iIt also allows you to interact with contacts, sharing data and services without the need for any third-party Web sites/applications to be involvedatall.

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Universal Form Validator ASP to be Released Next Week!

A week before the official release for Universal Form Validator ASP our developers packed a fantastic demo to demonstrate the strength of the upcoming extension. The super powerfull validation added due to the Universal Form Validator ASP technology shows the user input that is validated both client as well as server side.

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Safari 4 Final

The browser has been in beta since February of 2009 and introduced a number of user interface changes that proved to be highly contentious. The most polarizing of these was the decision to place browsing tabs pointing upwards and invading the title bar area. This, plus the decision to remove the loading progress bar, set off the Safari userbase, but some of those tweaks have now been changed.

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iPhone 3G S Arrives on June 19

Apple has officially taken the wraps off the third incarnation of the iPhone. The iPhone 3GS will be available on June 19; iPhone OS 3.0 will arrive two days before that, on June 17. Those in the US, Canada, France, Italy, UK, and Spain will be able to get their hands on the new iPhone on the 19th. The iPhone 3G S will gradually be introduced worldwide as new countries are added every few weeks.

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Sneak Preview of Universal Form Validator ASP

This week our developers offer you a sneak preview of the validation rules for the soon to be released Universal Form Validator. Don't miss out the cool video to find out why you need the validator and how amazing it is!


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Universal Form Validator ASP Coming Soon!

Add Super Powerful Validation to your forms in Dreamweaver with the Universal Form Validator! The user input is validated both client as well as server side - so there is no escape! You can choose from many predefined validation rules, conditional validation and even Ajax style inline validation! The validation errors and hints can be displayed in great tooltips and  input masking can be applied. All fully customizable to your layout and needs!

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