Universal Form Validator ASP Released!
Add Super Powerful Validation to your forms in Dreamweaver with the Universal Form Validator
Today, DMXzone released the Super Powerful Validation to your forms in Dreamweaver called Universal Form Validator! The user input is validated both client as well as server side - so there is no escape! You can choose from many predefined validation rules, conditional validation and even Ajax style inline validation! The validation errors and hints can be displayed in great tooltips and input masking can be applied. All fully customizable to your layout and needs!
Check out the product page for more details, videos and demos!
New Videos
Adding Verifications to your Form using Universal Form Validator ASP
With this movie we will show you how easily you can add verification to your forms, using Universal Form Validator ASP.
With this movie we will show you how easily you can configure the amazing Universal Form Validator ASP and add flexible and professional validation for your forms and georgeous hints to your form fields to aid your users.
Verifying a Field Value in a Database Record and Making Input Masks
With this movie we will show you how easily you can configure the stunning Universal Form Validator ASP to verify a field value in a database record, and how to make input masks giving your users an amazing experience.
Checkout Form Demo
The demo shows a basic Checkout form that validates users input with hints and error messeges. It also validates credit card numbers not only by length but with the help of an integrated mathematical formula that checks if the number is valid.
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