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Mozilla to Include Bing in Firefox 4 Search Box

Mozilla has announced its plans to update the search options in Firefox 4, the next major version of the popular open source Web browser. Google will remain Firefox's default search engine, but Microsoft's Bing search will be available as one of the standard options.

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DMXzone Team Welcomes a New Crew Member!

DMXzone team is extremely happy to announce our new crew member - Rob Nijkamp! He's taking the command of the marketing department as the DMXzone community keep growing. Rob will do his best to bring the zones to another level of popularity and content quality by increasing the business relations with other companies, active collaboration with various web design magazines, communities and Adobe user groups.
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Flash Catalyst CS5 FXG Extension for Photoshop CS5

With Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5, designers have an easy way to build interactive portfolios, user interfaces and other interactive content without writing code. Designers can take existing designs created in Adobe Illustrator CS5 and Adobe Photoshop CS5 into Flash Catalyst, convert the artwork to components, and add interactivity.

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Feed Genie ASP to be Released Tomorrow!

Last week, we've unveiled the features highlights included in the upcoming release of Feed Genie ASP. Today, we will show you how they actually work in cool demos!

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Feed Genie ASP to be Released Next Week!

A week before the official release of Feed Genie ASP, we offer you a sneak preview of the features included in this fabulous extension. From supplied standard feeds, custom feed data sources, custom feed interfaces to customizable feeds, you can have it all in only one extension!

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Nokia Takes on Android, New Symbian-based Smartphones

Nokia unveiled new Symbian-based smartphones during the NokiaWorld event in London. Alongside the previously announced N8 flagship device, Nokia is going to launch the rumored C6 and C7 handsets and the new E7 business smartphone. Like the N8, these new products will ship with Symbian^3, the latest generation of the open source Symbian operating system.

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YouTube Reportedly Testing Live Video Streaming

YouTube is really and truly ready to give live video streaming a try in a test Monday and Tuesday with four partner sites. Next New Networks, a producer of series programming for the Internet, said Monday that it is among four alpha testers of the new YouTube live-streaming platform, with three of its series joining the live stream over the two-day period.

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Brian Wood Joins the DMXzone Premium Content Team

Today, we are extremely happy to announce our new Premium Content writer - Brian Wood. Located near the San Diego, Irvine, and Los Angeles areas, Brian Wood is an Adobe Dreamweaver CS4, Adobe Creative Instructor in Acrobat 9, Illustrator CS4, and the author of InDesign CS2 Hands-On-Training, and 3 other books published by Peachpit Press.

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Samsung Considering Android Based TVs

According to a report from Bloomberg, HDTV shoppers might before too long find Google's Android operating system in Samsung television sets.

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Chrome 7 Shows Off Hardware Acceleration

Google's Chrome web browser will soon gain hardware-accelerated graphics—the latest trend for web browsers that has already shown up in early builds of Internet Explorer 9 and Firefox 4.

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