Feed Genie ASP to be Released Next Week!
Get Your Favorite Feeds as Data Sources!
A week before the official release of Feed Genie ASP, we offer you a sneak preview of the features included in this fabulous extension. From supplied standard feeds, custom feed data sources, custom feed interfaces to customizable feeds, you can have it all in only one extension!
Features in Detail:
- Custom Feed Interfaces - For each chosen feed an interface with feed specific options is shown, so you can directly enter the needed feed parameters! When you want to display the Picasa photos for a specific album, you can just enter the album name in the appropriate field.
- Custom Feed Data Sources - Next to the standard feed data fields you can choose from, you get, depending on the choosen field type, additional custom data source fields in the data binding panel! So when you choose a Picasa Photo feed you can also use fields like additional EXIF information or various user and album values.
- Standard feeds supplied - Choose from the many feed such as: Flickr, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, iTunes.
- Customizable feeds - Customize your feeds with your own filters.
- Feeds as Data Sources - Add your favorite feeds as data sources directly in Dreamweaver.
- Feed Fields - Add feed fields directly from the Data Bindings panel.
- Tag attributes - Add any tag attributes as dynamic data.
- Feed Entries - Use Repeat region to display all feed entries the way you want.
- Use Feed Genie ASP with other extensions - You can combine it with any standard Dreamweaver extension as well as the DMXzone extensions like HTML5 Slideshow, HTML5 Image Enhancer, and many others.

Word Press
Will this work with WordPress. I have a video site, www.video-vermont.com/video. I want the latest video thumbnails and links to display on my other sites.
Feed Ticker
You should consider combining Feed Ticker and Feed Genie for a decent discount - if Feed Genie is not meant to replace the Ticker.
Custom rss feeds.
Are we going to be able to choose our own feeds or can we only use the predetermined feeds?
PHP Feed Genie Please
Will there be a PHP version?
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