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Mozilla Puts Mobile Firefox on the Front Burner

Mozilla is expanding development of Firefox for Android with new efforts to improve its performance, lower its power consumption, adapt it for tablets--and keep the browser maker relevant in the hottest area of computing.

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Firefox Will Keep Its Version Numbers

It became a very heated debate over a very small thing: whether accelerated releases of Mozilla Firefox going forward will contain version numbers in its About dialog box. The opposition to Mozilla's plan to remove version numbers, and perhaps omit referring to them in consumer-focused marketing, centered around the difficulties IT departments face in managing end-users browsers, and that developers face in creating support products for them, such as add-ons.

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Mozilla Releases Faster, More Stable Firefox 6

Mozilla released what it billed as a faster and more stable version of its Firefox Web browser, version 6. One of the key changes in Firefox 6 was in the address bar, which now highlights the domain of the website a user is visiting, to thwart spoofing.

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Opera Scores Huge Mobile Win in China with Oupeng Browser

Opera’s brand might not be as well-known as Google Chrome or Firefox, but that’s never stopped the Norwegian browser maker from doggedly pursuing the leaders of the pack. And there are two areas where Opera has firmly established itself as a force to be reckoned with: featurephones and consumer electronics.

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The Web Even More Like An OS With Web Intents

Both Google and Mozilla have been pushing the concept of the web as the operating system of the future for some time now. It’s a move that not only makes sense for two of the most prominent web-centric entities around, but also for end users, since we spend an ever-increasing amount of time performing daily computing tasks on the web.

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Happy 20th birthday, World Wide Web!

On August 6, 1991, Tim Berners-Lee posted a summary of a project for organizing information on a computer network using a "web" of hyperlinks: the "WorldWideWeb," or W3. At the same time, the W3 made its debut as a publicly available service on the Internet.

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Mozilla Unveils New Firefox Interface for Firefox 9

Mozilla’s user experience team has unveiled a new and very different look for Firefox. For now we only have some very pretty mockups to feast our eyes upon, but in a couple of weeks Firefox 8 will migrate from the Nightly channel to Aurora — and after that, the new interface will begin to emerge in Firefox 9, 10, and 11.

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Google Updating Chrome for Lion Multitouch

Google has released a new developer version of Chrome to re-enable a multitouch gesture that changed in Lion, the new version of Mac OS X that Apple released last week. With the new operating system, a three-finger swipe left or right moves among different full-screen apps or desktops. That conflicted with Chrome's use of a three-finger swipe to move backward and forward in browsing history.

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Spotify Arrives On American Shores

Europe’s fastest growing music service - Spotify is finally available in the US. Boasting of 10 million European users, Spotify promises to give Americans a new way of managing music, discovering new tracks and sharing songs and playlists with friends. Launched in Sweden sometime in 2008, Spotify has grown to be one of Europe’s foremost music service with 1.6 million subscribers across 7 countries in Europe. It’s arrival in the US makes the country the 8th territory that Spotify will conquer. But can it really? Read More

Firefox 7 Aurora Is Here

A couple of weeks after the Firefox 5 release, Mozilla is ready to make its regular channel migration. As such, Firefox 8 hits the nightly builds channel, mozilla-central, Firefox 7 Aurora is released, and Firefox 6 reaches the beta stage.

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