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Did Google Trick Apple's Safari into Tracking Users?

Google and some of the biggest advertising networks like he Media Innovation Group, Gannet’s PointRoll, and Vibrant were accused by the Wall Street Journal of exploiting the Apple's Safari security settings in order to allow a site set tracking cookies. The trick was used in the Google’s DoubleClick adverts that were found on major websites, including AOL.com, Match.com, TMZ.com and YellowPages.com.

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Google Chrome Gets Another Security Makeover

Google has released another Chrome update to improve the security of the browser. The latest version of Chrome 17.0.963.56 is now available for Windows, Mac, Linux and Chrome Frame. It fixes a number of stability and security issues in Chrome like vulnerability to remote hacker attacks, and also includes a new version of Flash.

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Mozilla Plans Metro-specific Firefox for Windows 8

In the recently announced Mozilla strategy for 2012 the company also included plans for Metro-specific Firefox for Windows 8. The featured goal of Mozilla is to release a new Gecko based browser built for and integrated with the Metro environment. It will be full screen app with an appbar that contains common navigation controls and focused on touch interactions like the other Metro application.

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Mozilla's Plan for 2012: Break the Ecosystem Lock

Mozilla announced its strategy for 2012 which main goal is to improve the Web as a foundation for applications, to create open, decentralized Web-app technology, and to build Mozilla's own app store. The company will also focus on building a browser-based mobile operating system, and providing a people-centered experience powered by the Web technology.

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Firefox Finally Enriches New Tab Page

Following Opera, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Safari, with the Aurora build Mozilla finally made it possible for users to get a personalized New Tab experience. In the Firefox 12 Aurora you'll be able to see the most commonly visited sites in your location bar displayed in the new tab page and pin any of them to keep the site there permanently.

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Review: Chrome 17, Faster than Ever

Recently Google released a beta version of the Chrome Web browser for Android and announced that they are also working on “G-Drive,” which is a free personal cloud storage service ala Dropbox. Along with that the Chrome 17 keeps getting faster and more secure than the previous versions and the other popular browsers according to the review presented in this article.

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Google Chrome Finally Comes to Android

Google released new beta version of the Chrome browser for Android devices. Its tabs were redesigned to fit naturally on a small-screen phones as well as on a larger screen tablets and you can navigate trough them using intuitive gestures. But only the users of phones and tablets running Ice Cream Sandwich will be able to get Chrome on their devices for now.

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Browser Theme Creator Brand Thunder Acquires Rival

Brand Thunder, which is a company that provides different themes to help people reskin their browsers, acquired its biggest rival, BrowserNation. With this aquisition the company takes its clients from Firefox only and extends themes to their fans on Chrome, the fastest growing browser, and Internet Explorer, the world’s most used browser.

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Every Moment Counts in Mozilla's Bid for Mobile Relevance

Mozilla announced that the Firefox 11 beta, that will employ the native Android user interface, is scheduled to be released on January 31 and the final Firefox launch will be on March 13, when will also begin the Firefox 12 beta development. With its new browser version the company is trying to gain a share in the iPhones and iPads market.

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European Draft Data Law Announced

The proposed draft Data Protection Regulation were revealed by the European Commission. The document includes many suggestions like the right to be forgotten which will allow users to have their photos, details, and other data removed from websites, social networks, and search engines. Also serious violations, such as processing data without the individual’s consent, would be fined up to €1 million or 2 percent of their global annual turnover.

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