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DMXzone Google Maps Customer Showcase

When we said that you can add as many markers as you need on your DMXzone Google Maps we didn't think that actually someone will add over 200 markers but Cor Vermeulen from Stichting Stadspoort did it! His organization developed and maintains a database with documents for about 200 municipalities in the Netherlands and he put all the locations on one map so check out how it looks like!

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What We Watch this Week: Photoshop Selections Workshop

This workshop from Photoshop master Tim Grey will help you master the fine art of creating selections in Photoshop. You’ll gain a strong understanding of exactly what selections are, how they can be created and refined with a high degree of accuracy and efficiency, and how they can be employed in the process of optimizing your images. In the process you’ll learn how to use every selection tool available in Photoshop and be introduced to a variety of other special techniques.

We have a mini-review coming up soon and you'll have the chance to win one of the 3 free coupons that Video2Brain are giving away!  

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What You Missed This Week

The amazing File Manager Add-on has been released! The 5th member of the Advanced HTML Editor 3's Add-on Family will help you give your websites that final touch for file handling. Everybody can get their copy of this amazing extension on a special price until Wednesday!

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Use Cases for the Best Content Editing Solutions

You may have a nice looking website, but does it satisfy the needs of the user and its visitors? Many Advanced HTML Editor 3 owners know about its power and projects potential. And in addition to the recently released File Manager Add-on we would like to inform you about how comprehensive it is with some smart use cases. Read More

Mini-review and Competition: Smartphone Web Development

If you're interested in building applications for smartphones you might want to check out the Beginning Smartphone Web Development book from Apress. Along with our mini-review, which can be found in our Reviews section, we have also a competition, where you can win one of the 5 free e-books.

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File Manager Add-on Released and On Sale

Today, we are super proud to announce probably the most powerful add-on for the Advanced HTML Editor 3 extension that our developers created. The File Manager Add-on is supplied with amazing features and will allow you and your users to manage, edit, delete and download over 150+ file types and more that can be added manually. It is fully secured and the file views load mighty fast due to to extensive usage of Ajax technology and CSS Sprites.

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Developer's Thoughts On Adobe Edge

Flash has been present on websites for a long time, but it is threatened for the past few years from HTML5 that can replace it. Adobe is doing its best to keep Flash going, but with the recent release of Edge they apparently changed the strategy. Will the Flash animations gradually be replaced by HTML5? Web developer and writer Rick Curran wrote an article to clear things out. Read More

File Manager Add-on Features Unveiled!

While our developers are still giving the final touches to the File Manager Add-on, we packed all major features that this amazing add-on contains and here you can explore them in full beauty. If you think we need to add more, please leave a comment here and we'll try to fulfill everyone's wish in order to make your work with the Advanced HTML Editor 3 easier and more pleasant.

Stay tuned for the official release tomorrow, when you'll have the chance to get it with a significant discount for the first 48 hours!

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What We Watch This Week: Photoshop Without Photographs

We’re all familiar with Photoshop’s ability to help us create stunning montages from photographic sources. But what if we mix things up and see what we can produce without using any photographs whatsoever? In this workshop, you’ll see how to build every single element in a 1930s image from scratch, from creating the wood texture used for the door to drawing the wallpaper and adding the lighting. This creative challenge will introduce you to new and surprising ways of working in Photoshop.

Next week the complete mini-review will be ready and you'll have the chance to win one of the 3 free coupons that Video2Brain are giving away! 

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Supported Files & Views in File Manager Add-on

We're just a couple of days away from the official release of File Manager Add-on and today we will show you the 150+ supported files as well as the different files views. All preview icons are stored in a CSS Sprite image that makes the File Manager views load mighty fast as it needs to download just that single, well optimized image.

Also, the File manager can support any file and all you need to do is to add the file types with comma in the File Manager Add-on user interface.

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