You may have a nice looking website, but does it satisfy the needs of the user and its visitors? Many
Advanced HTML Editor 3 owners know about its power and projects potential. And in addition to the recently released
File Manager Add-on we would like to inform you about how comprehensive it is with some smart use cases.
The Story
Use Cases
How is the navigation? Is your client having a hard time finding the right content? Are you busy planning a website and you want to avoid these kind of problems? This is where use cases can be useful so you will be on the right track and keep your clients happy. As we welcome the File Manager Add-on as our 5th member of the Add-on family, we give you some nice use cases for inspiration.

Personal Website
Use case:
In a portfolio, different project types can be created. It differs from a regular business website to a shop with tons of products. It is the most important information supply for your visitors to give them the impression of what they can expect.
Company Website
Use case:
A company have to sell itself. You can be self-employed as a web designer, a removal firm, a consultant or for example a carpenter company. The agreement is that you have to sell yourself to other companies and private sectors. To do this right, you have to prove that you are good at what you do. The more concrete the better. You have to publish case-studies on your website that shows your step by step, how you've tackled the project and how well it finally succeeds. Fill it with a personal testimony from your client and you have a great reference.
E-commerce website
Use case:
What do you as a retailer want to sell on your site? Your products? No, you want to sell your website. You should convince the visitors to come to your business and creating the right atmosphere is the best potion. For example, the website of an high end furniture company should look chic. The site of an airline would be able to show very good offers on the site. Even in that case you can not sell the primary product, but the offer is a good reason to come to the website. The store on the site should contain lots of pictures and maybe even a video or music impression.
- Advanced HTML Editor 3 - The best WYSIWYG-editor there is
- Online Page Editor - Access your editable regions with front-end developing powers
- File Manager - Navigate, manage and use your files directly in the editor
- Youtubizer - Link your Youtube account with your company profile video or product previews and reviews
Hi, I am Rob and proudly introduce myself as the Marketing manager of Dynamic Zones International BV.
That means that I am responsible for all sort of things like professional news articles, world leading premium content, the outraging Dreamweaver extensions & web components and helpful tutorials for the DMXzone community.
It's a honor to have the opportunity to participate and bring the DMXzone community to a whole new and stronger level with more high quality and superb DMXzone content for our loyal members.
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