Discover the power of interactive presentations – the Sliding Billboard ! Organize your work greatly in a virtual book, which autoscrolls and enables your users to slide from page to page or chapter to chapter naturally. You can present any type of work this way: your portfolio, photo albums, products index, web shop, ads and much more. Choose from the many cool CSS designs included, so your billboard always looks great and suites your site perfectly.
Sliding Billboard Manual
Organize your work greatly in a virtual book!
Advanced: Slides Layout
In this tutorial we will go through the options in the Advanced Sliding Billboard Tab.
1.Main Layout
The Main Layout contains: Title, Width, Height (1), Columns, Rows (2) and the Design of the Billboard (3). The title is the one that will appear on your Billboard design; you can also set the Height and Width of the Billboard, so that it fits your site design. Choose one of the great CSS3 designs and impress your users.
2.Navigation and Animation
In the Navigation section you have the
choice to navigate your billboard with keyboard and mouse wheel, and to decide
the Positioning of the sections/side navigation and paging. You can also choose if you want to have side navigation arrow
buttons, where should they be positioned inside, outside, middle and when;
always or only on mouse over (hover).
Note: If you don't want your Billboard to slide automatically just uncheck the
Auto Play and then the user will navigate manually only.
The Animations Section provides options to help you navigate through the sections. If you have the Scroll horizontal checked that means that your Billboard's section will scroll horizontal and your pages Vertical and vice versa if it's not checked.
3.Slides Layout
In the first Style the image appears on the left and the title with the description on the right.
The second style aligns your content (title and description) on the right with an image positioned on the left.
The third design centers the image and the description appears on the bottom.
The next layout stretches the image to fit the slide fully with title and description sliding on top of it.
The last alignment positions the image on top and title with description on the bottom.
The additional options Image Max Width and Max Height allow you to specify how much space the image will take from the slide. For example 50% width and item style left, will make the image occupy 50% of the slide and will leave 50% for title and description.
Lubov Cholakova
Lubov has been with DMXzone for 8 years now, contributing to the Content and Sales departments. She is bringing high quality content in the form of daily blog updates, reviews, tutorials, news, newsletters,update emails and extensions' manuals. If you have a product that needs publicity or any other questions about the entire DMXzone community, she is the one you can contact.