Free! - How to build a PHP Search Engine
Introduction or a tale of how easy a search engine could work
Five years ago your site may have had five or six pages. However, over the time it has grown and one day you wake up with 2 GB of content, more than a thousand links and no way to sort them by relevance. You need a way for you and your visitors to get information about your services and products faster. A search engine could help you and your site visitors find that precious piece of information on your extensively growing site.

Now let's make the connection string. Open
a new PHP document, name it connectionstring.php and save it in the same
directory in which Search.php is located. For example, you can name it
MySearchEngineWithPHP. Later on you will upload the entire folder to your
server. Add the following code to connectionstring.php:
$hostname_MyConnectionPHP = "localhost";
$database_MyConnectionPHP = "database";
$username_MyConnectionPHP = "usrname";
$password_MyConnectionPHP = "mypassword";
$connections =
mysql_connect($hostname_MyConnectionPHP, $username_MyConnectionPHP,
$password_MyConnectionPHP) or die ( "Unabale to connect to the database" );
Replace "database", "usrname" and "mypassword" with the respective data that you use for the MySQL database.
Time to search!
The following code is the core of our
search engine. We will calculate the search time using a function, make a
database connection with another function, and finally we will check for
matches with an appropriate algorithm running a query to select a table to look
for matches. Add the following code to your Search.php page:
function getmicrotime()
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
$connection_string = dirname(__FILE__) . "/connectionstring.php";
mysql_select_db("test") or die ( 'Unable to
select database.' );
if(isset($_GET['search_term']) &&
$search_term = $_GET['search_term'];
$first_pos = "0";
$start_search = getmicrotime();
$sql_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM news
WHERE MATCH(title,article) AGAINST('$search_term')");
many mathces (too many matches cause returning
of 0 results)
if($results = mysql_num_rows($sql_query) !=
$sql = "SELECT * FROM news
WHERE MATCH(title,article) AGAINST('$search_term') LIMIT $first_pos,
$sql_result_query =
$sql = "SELECT * FROM news
WHERE (title LIKE '%".mysql_real_escape_string($search_term)."%' OR article
LIKE '%".$search_term."%') ";
$sql_query =
$results =
$sql_result_query =
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM news WHERE (title LIKE '%".$search_term."%' OR
article LIKE '%".$search_term."%') LIMIT $first_pos, $RESULTS_LIMIT ");
$stop_search = getmicrotime();
$time_search = ($stop_search -
Let's take a closer look at the code. On the
second line we initialize function to calculate the time for the search.
The require_once function initializes a
connection to the database – we simply call the connectionstring.php file that
we created earlier. With the line "mysql_select_db("test") or die ( 'Unable to
select database.' );" we select our database table called test in our case.
However, if for some reason a database is not selected the "die" statement will
bring a message that a database is not able to be selected. $RESULTS_LIMIT
variable is used to specify how many results to display per page.
Next we use an "if clause" to check if any
phrase or word is set in the search field form. This is done with
$search_query. Then we check if our marker for page listing exists with
$first_pos variable – if not we start from the first page. Then we need to initialize
a SQL query – simply with $sql_query. As you may know mysql_query is a keyword
in MySQL. Unfortunately, using that keyword has a major drawback. MySQL does
not display results of the phrases that are found in the database too often as
it would display too many results. That is why we do a second check. The
algorithm counts the number of results with the $results variable and if it is
zero we run second query with a standard field search of the table with LIKE
function mysql_real_escape_string is a standard MySQL function used to check if
the entered value is legal, preventing the injection of malicious MySQL scripts
into your database. For example, somebody could enter an SQL query in your form
to change your database. Using mysql_real_escape_string will make your
search engine and database more secure.

Kiril Iliev started his career as a PR manager for a Bulgarian game software company and later on started working for Dynamic Zones - the company behind the zones network.
He has written a lot of articles for one of the biggest computer magazines in Bulgaria - PC Mania.
He works on various projects including PHP, CSS, and ASP scripting and is support specialist at
As of April, 2008 Kiril is acting as Research and Development Manager, researching the trends in the new technologies, especially Silverlight and LINQ implementation
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PHP search engine
There seems to be a problem with this search engine. In IE when pressing enter as oppose to search button, nothing displays. Is there any way to fix it?
Paging issues
Thanks alot for the guide, great job! Although the paging part doesn't work for me. When i select the next page i just find myself on an empty page. I haven't changed anything but the things i have to change. search.php?search_term=mysql&search_button=Search works but when i turn to the next page : search.php?search_term=mysql&first_pos=10 the page is empty. Any way to fix this problem? I have followed many search engine guides and i find this problem on every single one of them, it's getting really enoying. Maybe it's my fault some how, help would be really nice :)
hello! i followed the steps that you've indicated in this *tutorial about making a search engine in php. I do all the steps including the database but when i run it, theres an error saying this Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in C:\Documents and Settings\Personal\Desktop\madeL\connectionstring.php on line 15
what do you think is wrong with what ive done? pls help me coz i needed it for my thesis. plssss...
NOTE: i used POST method instead of GET method. i also used DREAMWEAVER 2004 and WAMMP. plss response. thank yoU..
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