Free! - From the Ground Up: Shopping carts

In the last article, I offered you some ideas about whether to carry your own products or services, or whether you might consider third-party sales to make a profit with your Web site. In this article, I’ll look at some shopping cart sites to consider what makes some shopping sites work. Is the site successful because of its slick design, the “buzz” about its product or service, the great shopping cart program, or is it because some people just seem to have all the luck? In the article below, I’ll take you to sites that use five different shopping carts to understand what works for some and what may work for you…


Shopping Carts: Design-Wise Selling

Programming knowledge is essential to build a shopping cart or an online store, but even a programming klutz like me can understand simple systems like PayPal. However, what if I wanted to become more sophisticated with my sales approach? Which shopping cart program would I use? I could use free programs like Agora Cart, or I should spend a little cash for what appears to be “plug and play” programs? In an effort to understand the program that I might want to use, I did a search in Google. When I typed the words, “shopping cart” into the Google search engine, the following five businesses showed up on the first page in this order:

ShopFactory – The ShopFactory maintains three shopping cart options available, all for under $400. They tout their product as a “plug and play” easy-to-use program even for beginners.

AgoraCart – Available for free as an Open Source based e-commerce solution released under the GNU General Public License. “Originally targeting highly experienced webmasters and programmers, it has since matured to a solution that is easier to setup for beginners, powerful enough for experienced programmers, modular for flexibility, and one that is currently powering thousands live shops around the world.” Annual memberships cost money.

X-Cart – An e-commerce solution for under $200. Right up front, X-Cart states that their product is designed for “Software developers looking for a quality PHP shopping cart program at a low price.” They have other caveats that I’ll cover in a bit…

osCommerce (Open Source) – Another e-commerce solution under on going development by the open source community. The program source for this product is free.

Monster Commerce – “Get started for $99 a month…” They do have an annual plan, and it seems as though they also tout their product as “plug and play.”

While the five sites above all seem reasonable, I want to know what their demonstration sites look like. Why? Because I want to know how my site might look with their programming. Additionally, a look at the top clients for any given product might also tell me about the reliability of their product and whether I’ll receive immediate and satisfactory response to any problems. Last, but not least, I want to look at the sites from a nonprogrammer’s perspective to understand how these sites look to others who might want to use their services. After the reviews below, I’ll conclude with my opinions from that perspective to explain which site I might choose to build an e-commerce site…


Ok – right up front this program speaks to me – they state that:

"Some of the most important problems ‘out-of-the-box’ shopping carts owners usually face are described in few simple questions:

  1. "Will this ecommerce solution reflect all edges of my business?"
  2. "Can I integrate it into my existing website?"
  3. "What do I do to make my online shop support special functionality?"

Unlike the AgoraCart site, I found my way easily around the X-Cart site and straight to a list that describes who might want to use this product, and the companies that they’re compatible with. The "who, what, when, where, how, and why" about this company is right up front in easy-to-read lists. But, how easy are they to use, really, and do they provide examples of their e-commerce programming?


X-Cart provides demos that could take a person a full day to consider. However, after a few clicks and colour change options, I realize that the operation basically uses a three-column template. They do have a link for live shops worldwide, and most of these sites also relied on the three-column template example. However, as I began to click through most of them, a few sites began to stand out against the others. First, the basic three-column layout with a header:

New England Fishing Journal – X-Cart e-commerce site

Now, here’s the Frank Family Vineyards, a site with a different and very attractive approach to their wine offerings:

Frank Family Vineyards uses X-Cart

Inside the wine section:

An example of the wine cart at the Frank Family Vineyards site…

Other sites on the "live example" list at X-Cart that use a variety of layouts include Beddington’s Bed and Bath, Angela Carol Lingerie, and the Cigar Humidor. These site examples offer enough variety for me to know that if I use X-Cart, I can also modify the look to go beyond the typical three-column layout. But, will X-Cart support my need for a "different" look?

X-Cart’s links to technical support seem sufficient to answer my questions, and their link to their services illustrated that they don’t charge an arm and a leg for such things as custom programming or Flash. Can I trust what they say? Since I don’t know anyone who has used X-Cart, I might email a few of their "live examples" to talk with someone who worked with X-Cart. Frankly, I might stop my search right here if I discover that three or more shop owners were very happy with X-Cart. However, I want to check out the last two services on my list to see how they compare.

Linda Goin

Linda GoinLinda Goin carries an A.A. in graphic design, a B.F.A. in visual communications with a minor in business and marketing and an M.A. in American History with a minor in the Reformation. While the latter degree doesn't seem to fit with the first two educational experiences, Linda used her 25-year design expertise on archaeological digs and in the study of material culture. Now she uses her education and experiences in social media experiments.

Accolades for her work include fifteen first-place Colorado Press Association awards, numerous fine art and graphic design awards, and interviews about content development with The Wall St. Journal, Chicago Tribune, Psychology Today, and L.A. Times.

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June 9, 2005 by Ryan Green
I have personally liked osCommerce. I am a beginning/Intermediate programmer & developer, and I liked being able to go in an modify the PHP scripting to my needs. There is a great version of osCommerce, that has common modules already added, so it is pretty much install and go. It is they have payment mondules and shipping modules already added into the osCommerce structure, so you can have your site up and running in a matter of minutes.

RE: osCommerce

June 9, 2005 by Linda Goin

Hey Ryan - thanks for your quick response on the article. I can usually wade through code if I have the time and space, but it's not my total it's good to hear that osCommerce is a "plug and play" type e-commerce program. I'm anxious to hear from some other folks, too, about their experiences with different programs.

Thanks again!

I've checked a couple of those out too

June 10, 2005 by Chris Charlton

I really am suprised you didn't cover Paypals' option(s) (cart, buy now), or is that for a follow-up article? This area has been one of my biggest hurdles when talking about solutions for clients. They want to know, "which works for me?", "can I sell all my widgets?" and "how much is the cart?"

I've installed a couple osCommerce's and really think it's a solid package. It's honestly as close to a mini-Amazon as I would like to get clients' sites.

X-Cart always seemed really good. A best-friend-developer I know has always held them high with reguard, so maybe one day I'll get into the admin area and see how it all works.

AgoraCart is really popular also, and some people have told me that's the way to go. Then again, this is from the mouth of developers. :)

I have never heard of the other two, but it's good to know who's available, at least to compare.

RE: I've checked a couple of those out too

June 10, 2005 by Linda Goin

Hey Chris - I was going to go PayPal, but wanted to see what was out there first. And - like you - I had the roughest time convincing clients to use PayPal initially. I'm grateful that clients can now pay without registering - what a boost that's been for my business.

Other than this, I'm happy that you, too, like osCommerce. I would like to hear from you whenever you try the X-Cart package. When I return from my summer trips, I'll probably utilize the PayPal option in one of my sites to see how it all works, and if it can be modified re: design aspects, etc. After I use it, I'll definitely report on it!

Thanks for your comments!


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