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Free! - From the Ground Up: Shopping carts
Hey Ryan - thanks for your quick response on the article. I can usually wade through code if I have the time and space, but it's not my total it's good to hear that osCommerce is a "plug and play" type e-commerce program. I'm anxious to hear from some other folks, too, about their experiences with different programs.
Thanks again!
I really am suprised you didn't cover Paypals' option(s) (cart, buy now), or is that for a follow-up article? This area has been one of my biggest hurdles when talking about solutions for clients. They want to know, "which works for me?", "can I sell all my widgets?" and "how much is the cart?"
I've installed a couple osCommerce's and really think it's a solid package. It's honestly as close to a mini-Amazon as I would like to get clients' sites.
X-Cart always seemed really good. A best-friend-developer I know has always held them high with reguard, so maybe one day I'll get into the admin area and see how it all works.
AgoraCart is really popular also, and some people have told me that's the way to go. Then again, this is from the mouth of developers. :)
I have never heard of the other two, but it's good to know who's available, at least to compare.
Hey Chris - I was going to go PayPal, but wanted to see what was out there first. And - like you - I had the roughest time convincing clients to use PayPal initially. I'm grateful that clients can now pay without registering - what a boost that's been for my business.
Other than this, I'm happy that you, too, like osCommerce. I would like to hear from you whenever you try the X-Cart package. When I return from my summer trips, I'll probably utilize the PayPal option in one of my sites to see how it all works, and if it can be modified re: design aspects, etc. After I use it, I'll definitely report on it!
Thanks for your comments!
Oy - I'll keep it under my hat...but I'm on my way over to check it out. Thanks!
Wow, after such a good article, I find it incredible that you passed over Zen Cart ( as it's a fully loaded open source shopping cart with a great community for support.
Granted it can be a little daunting for beginners, but it does everything that the bigger carts does with ease, all for free (or a donation if you use it commercially).
Well worth a look...