DMXzone Database Updater 2 Support Product Page
Is there a Update Record video?
Asked 01 Jan 2021 05:26:49
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01 Jan 2021 05:26:49 User posted:
Is there a Update Record video that shows the process to create the updater setup in action? The only ones I can find are "Generating and Update Record Form" but this requires the Bootstrap 4 extensions or "Update Your Database Records" requires HTML 5 Data Bindings.I followed the "Generating and Update Record Form" video until 5:01 mins where Bootstrap 4 Form Generator was required.
Replied 04 Jan 2021 16:29:03
04 Jan 2021 16:29:03 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
There's no update record video without the paging generator as it's the fastest and easiest way of doing it.
In order to do this without the generator you need the following:
- A server action for updating data
- A server action for populating the form input data filtered by a hidden field or an url param (so you get the selected record data)
There's no update record video without the paging generator as it's the fastest and easiest way of doing it.
In order to do this without the generator you need the following:
- A server action for updating data
- A server action for populating the form input data filtered by a hidden field or an url param (so you get the selected record data)
Replied 05 Jan 2021 09:37:58
05 Jan 2021 09:37:58 User replied:
Thanks. I think the problem is that the Bootstrap 4 Form Generator is a separate extension and requires a further subscription fee. There are stand alone videos for INSERT and DELETE and I would have thought there would be a stand alone video for UPDATE. Perhaps this is something that your support team could look at producing.