DMXzone Database Connector 2 Support Product Page

Message "Query the Database" runs without end

Reported 28 May 2024 11:41:05
has this problem
28 May 2024 11:41:05 Jacques Lemaire posted:

I just bought DMXzone Database Connector 2 and I am trying to connect a page with DMXzone Server Connect. I put all the informations (name of the server, name of the database...) and when I tested the connection, I got a "Query the Database" message that runs forever. I don't have any error message, just the "Query the Database" and a wheel that spins. The only way to stop the "Query the Database" is to quit Dreamweaver. I can not just cancel the search.

What I am doing wrong?

I am sure of the informations that I put to connect to the database are correct; even my provider did a test and my informations are OK.

I did a reinstallation of the extensions; it didn't help. I tested the connection on local, distant and evaluation on Dreamweaver, it didn't help neither.

So, what is the solution for my problem?

A last thing. After the installation of the three extensions (Database Connector 2, Server Connect and App Connect) with the DMXzone Extension Manager, I can see the Server Connect and AppConnect below the windows panel of Dreamweaver, but I cannot see the Database Connector 2. Is it normal?


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