DMXzone App Connect Support Product Page

Display Dynamic content within meta description

Asked 30 Apr 2020 13:54:01
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30 Apr 2020 13:54:01 Dave Sturgeon posted:
Could you tell me the process for displaying Dynamic content within meta description using App Connect please?

I have the App Root applied to the Page (rather than Body) and my dynamic content displays fine between the <title> tags - but in the meta description, the raw query code only displays. Like this:

<meta name="description" content=“ Welcome to the city of {{}} in the County of {{}}”>

I’d be grateful for your advise.



Replied 30 Apr 2020 17:18:09
30 Apr 2020 17:18:09 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Dave,
You need to add dmx-bind: there to be able to show it in the description tag:

<meta name="description" dmx-bind:content=“ Welcome to the city of {{}} in the County of {{}}”>

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