DMXzone App Connect Support Product Page

I just upgraded from Dreamweaver 19.2 to 20.1.

Asked 28 Feb 2020 23:29:57
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28 Feb 2020 23:29:57 john culp posted:
I just upgraded to Dreamweaver 20.1. Will my products work with it? They don't show yet.

And with Catalina, I can open DMX Extension Manager, but it doesn't show on the task bar. And Server connect doesn't seem to want to upgrade.

I have Appconnect, Server Connect and Charts.


Replied 02 Mar 2020 07:55:20
02 Mar 2020 07:55:20 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
What do you mean by: "Server Connect doesn't seem to want to upgrade"?

With a new DW installation, all you need to do is to install the extensions again - nothing top upgrade there.
Also, the extensions in CC19 and CC20 are located in the same places ... probably you forgot to enable server and app connect panels in the window menu...
Replied 02 Mar 2020 15:07:06
02 Mar 2020 15:07:06 john culp replied:
The Extensions Manager (v1.3.0) only shows Dreamweaver CC2019 in the dropdown.

The Extension Manager also doesn't stay "open" in Catalina. I can open it from the desktop, but if I move to another page, it just goes away. It's not on the task bar, nor does it show open anywhere else. If I "command tab" through open programs, it's not there. It doesn't show in "force quit" either.

And when I attempted to download updates of these four apps, the server connect app froze. It's stuck at 12.07meg of 12.08 meg. Shows about 50% in the progress bar.

Lastly, in the "Window" dropdown in Dreamweaver, none of your apps show.
Replied 04 Mar 2020 09:35:08
04 Mar 2020 09:35:08 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
> The Extensions Manager (v1.3.0) only shows Dreamweaver CC2019 in the dropdown.

Well make sure to quite and restart the Extension Manager, once you've started and closed DW 2020. It will appear then.

> And when I attempted to download updates of these four apps, the server connect app froze. It's stuck at 12.07meg of 12.08 meg. Shows about 50% in the progress bar.
Go to queue tab, remove the extension from there, restart the Extension Manager and install it again.

> Lastly, in the "Window" dropdown in Dreamweaver, none of your apps show.

That's because you are not installing them in 2020 but in 2019 ...
Replied 04 Mar 2020 14:49:36
04 Mar 2020 14:49:36 john culp replied:
I tried what you suggested, and it looks like Extension manager is never closing. It shows nowhere as open, but I decided to try removing it and reinstalling it, and when I tried to move the application to the trash, it said I couldn't because it was open.

It doesn't show on the task bar. It doesn't show as open in "force quit." But when I try to remove it via applications, it won't let me because it says it's open.

How do I forceably remove it, or close it?

(I'm using Catalina 10.15.3)
Replied 27 May 2024 06:58:36
27 May 2024 06:58:36 Tammy Martin replied:
Upgrading from Dreamweaver 19.2 to 20.1 is a smart move, as it likely brings new features and enhancements. However, to truly leverage the latest web development trends, consider exploring platforms like Flutter for app development. To learn more about hiring Flutter app development, check out this insightful guide: How to Hire Flutter App Developers.

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