DMXzone Mailer Support Product Page


Send verification email

02 Jun 2016 00:57:32 Andres Gonzalez Michaca posted:
How can I use mailer to send a verification email when a user register to one site to avoid wrong email account?


Replied 02 Jun 2016 06:09:01
02 Jun 2016 06:09:01 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Andres,
It is really easy to do this - after the register (insert record) step, just add a the send mail step, which sends the confirmation message to the email, which user entered.
Replied 02 Jun 2016 14:20:23
02 Jun 2016 14:20:23 Andres Gonzalez Michaca replied:
Great, Thank you!
Replied 29 Jun 2024 06:14:27
29 Jun 2024 06:14:27 jesi geo replied:
Using a mailer to send a verification email during user registration ensures the accuracy of email accounts. Implement this by triggering an email containing a unique verification link upon gout diet registration. The user must click the link to confirm their email address, preventing incorrect or fake email entries and enhancing account security.

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