Bootstrap 3 Dynamic Form Generator Support Product Page


How to proceed with Radio Buttons in an update form?

Asked 28 Nov 2017 08:18:18
has this question
28 Nov 2017 08:18:18 Greta Garberini posted:
I can do this by hand but it can be tiresome which I tried to avoid by buying this extension. I have a database table where the content is 'Y','N' , '0','1' etc... (mysql SET variable:

I always end up with code like this:

<div class="form-group">
                <div class="radio-group">
                  <div class="radio radio-inline">
                    <input type="radio" name="clientsActive" id="inp_clientsActive" dmx-bind:value="[0].clientsActive">
                    <label for="inp_rhc_clientsActive">clients active</label>

So, the second Radio Button is never generated

I never get it right at once to populate such a trivial thing. Can you please enlighten me?


Replied 02 Dec 2017 12:33:54
02 Dec 2017 12:33:54 Greta Garberini replied:
No answer to this?
Short version:

How to populate a radio group in an autogenerated update record form?
Replied 04 Dec 2017 11:19:30
04 Dec 2017 11:19:30 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Greta,
In App connect there are radio groups. Add one, then select the value for it from your database:

Add two(or how many you need) radio buttons inside the radio group and add the static values to them:

Radio group will automatically check the right radio button, depending on the value returned.
Replied 07 Dec 2017 13:54:50
07 Dec 2017 13:54:50 Greta Garberini replied:
Thanks Teodor, this is a great description and works like a charm!

I just assumed that the autogenerating update record form extension will do it automatically, like it does with text / texterea fields etc.
Thats where I got stuck, trying to set it up there.

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